Thirty One

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Emma's POV
A Week Later

I'm not going to lie and say that Ethan and I automatically went back to normal.

We didn't.

We were working on it, but that's the thing—we had a lot of work to do.

There were still unresolved issues from before, during, and after the breakup, but we were slowly making progress.

Taking things day by day.

We had good days and bad, and things were definitely still a little bit tense between us.

It was partially my fault because I was trying to take things slower than he was, and it was frustrating him a little bit.

For example, one day when we were walking to the dining center on campus, he held out his hand for me, but I only intertwined my pinky with his.

He let out a little sigh, and we kept walking.

Throughout the next couple of weeks, we started to get better a little bit more and more each day.

He was doing as much as he could to make things up to me.

Making me dinner, sending me flowers, leaving notes for me.

He even made me a copy of his cover album of my dad's songs. It was really sweet.

We helped each other study for end of the year finals, and on the last week of school, he finally couldn't take it anymore.

I got up to go to the bathroom, but he couldn't wait any longer to say what he was going to say.

"I love you." He said. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. "I love you, I love you, I love you. I couldn't say it enough times to express how much I love you. It's not possible. I've loved you since the second I saw your shiny blue eyes, and I've loved you since the first time I saw you cry. I love you. I've made so many mistakes, but we're working around it. I love you. I kick myself everyday for breaking your heart. I never wanted to hurt you. I just thought that that was what was best for you. I love you. I just need to hear you say it back. I know we're going through a rough patch, but I need to know that's how you feel." He said. I walked towards him with tears in my eyes as he continued. "I love you, Emma. I want this to work. I want us to start fresh and not worry about what happened in the past. I want us to be us agai—" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his.

He instantly put his hands on my waist, and I deepened our kiss by wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

Our kiss was passionate, but it was also everything we needed.

It was an apology, it was forgiveness, and it was an I love you.

But I still had to say it.

The tears were streaming down my face as we pulled away for air. Ethan's forehead was pressed against mine as we held each other.

He wiped a tear off of my face with his thumb.

"Please, Emma." He whispered. "Tell me if you still love me."

Another tear trickled down my cheek, and Ethan kissed it away.

"Of course I still love you." I whispered.

He hugged me tighter, and I cried into his chest.

"Thank god." He said. I felt a tear fall from his eye because it landed on my forehead. "Emma, are we gonna be okay? Can this be our fresh start?"

I nodded, more tears falling from my eye. "Just stop talking and kiss me already." I said.

Ethan started out by wiping all of the tears from my face, and then he kissed a trail down my jaw and to a sweet spot on my neck. I leaned my head back to give him better access, and his lips continued to ravish my skin.

I could tell that this was what we both needed.

He picked me up and sat me down on the desk while continuing to find all of the tender spots on my neck. I worked on getting my shorts off before he finally took his off too.

He lined his length up with my entrance before he slowly pushed it inside of me.

I leaned my head back and bit my lip at the sensation, and he attached his lips to mine as he slowly started moving in and out.

We weren't in a hurry.

He ran his hand up my leg, around to my back, and then up into my hair as his hips continually met mine.

He started going a little bit faster and deeper, making a moan escape from my throat. "Fuck, I missed this." I whispered.

Ethan groaned at that. "Fuck. I missed how tight you are, baby."

I couldn't contain my voice at this point, and Ethan smiled down at me as he continually fucked me in all of the right spots.

"You love what I do to you, don't you?" He asked in a seductive voice. I nearly moaned at just that.

"So much." I mustered out.

"You feel so good, baby." He whispered.

He sped up a little, causing me to continually moan his name as he pounded into me, and stars blurred my vision as I hit my peak, and he followed suit soon after, with a string of grunts and curse words.

Our foreheads were pressed together as we caught our breaths, and he softly pressed his lips against mine as he pulled out.

We both got our shorts back on, and he took my hand.

"Why don't I take you somewhere tonight?" He said, smiling.

I smiled back. "Why don't we have a picnic in my studio?"

He kissed me again. "That sounds like a lot of fun."


So, here we were, with a blanket laying on the wooden floor of my studio, and a pizza sitting in the middle.

We had already eaten most of it, and now we were just laying on our stomachs and talking, Fleetwood Mac playing in the background.

The best part about that night was finally being back to normal with Ethan.

I not only had my amazing boyfriend back, but I finally had my best friend back too.

I missed this.

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