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Ethan's POV

"So, how's it going with Emma?" Grayson asked. We were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast.

I smiled. "I'm really starting to like her, Gray."

"You should tell her that." He responded.

"I asked her on a second date."


"Yeah. I don't know where I'm gonna take her, but I'm gonna make sure it's fun for her. She deserves it after all she's been through."

"Take her to a Dodgers game. Baseball is always a good date."

"I like that idea."

"She'll like it too. You know, she told some of us once that Luke never really took her anywhere special. Man. There were so many times she wanted to leave him, and now she's starting to become herself again now that she found the strength to get herself out."

"I'm really proud of her. She was so upset the night she left LA. I saw her putting her bag in her trunk and I knew something was wrong and that I had to be there for her."

"Did you guys like...."

"No, Grayson. I respect her way more than that. There's two huge reasons why I wouldn't just do that. First of all, I wasn't going to make a cheater out of her, and second of all, if Emma and I were to become anything more than what we are right now, which I'm hoping we will, I'm gonna take it slow with her. I want to teach her what a real relationship should be like, and I want her to learn how a guy should properly treat their girl."

"Wow. I can already tell you're going to be really good for her, E."

I smiled. "We'll see where it goes."


Grayson and I decided to go to the track on campus to run for a little while. I was getting prepared for football season to start, and Grayson was going to run indoor track this year.

So, we ran for about an hour, and let me tell you that Grayson and I have the ability to make each other cry laugh for absolutely no reason.

With that being said, Grayson and I ended up laughing so hard that we were laying in the grass by the track and crying laughing.

Can't tell you why, because I literally can't remember what was so funny. That was just part of being twins with Gray.

While we were walking back, we saw Emma running her usual course, and she stopped and ran over to us to say hi.

"Hey, guys. What's up?"

"We were just running at the track." Grayson said, taking a sip from his water bottle.

"That what I'm doing now." She responded.

"Great minds think alike." I said.

Emma laughed. "I'll see you guys for pizza later?"

"Yeah. We'll be there." Grayson responded.

Emma started to jog away. "See you guys then."

Grayson and started to walk, but I turned towards Emma.

"Hey, Emma. Let me know if you need anything."

"Okay. Bye, Ethan."

there's no way | ethmaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें