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Emma's POV

I woke up, and Ethan's chest was against my back, and his arms were secured across my stomach.

I felt safe in his arms. It was warm, and I knew that Ethan couldn't ever hurt me like Luke does.

I could stay like this forever.

Wait—does this count as cheating?

Luke has cheated on me time and time again. It's not like Ethan and I did anything besides cuddle anyway.

This is nothing compared to Luke's action.

God, I need to break up with him.

I slowly slipped out of Ethan's arms, and he grabbed onto a pillow in his sleep. I decided to call Joey, just to let him know I was okay, and that I was coming home to cut ties with Luke for good.

"Emma? You okay?"

"I'm okay. I'm coming home later. I'm done with Luke now."

"Do you need anything, Em?"

"I'm gonna need you to call the police when I get home."

"Did something happen with Luke, Em?"

"He hit me yesterday. It's not safe for me to be near him right now. I'm gonna break up with him, and I'm scared he's going to do something bad."

"I got you covered, sis. I'm staying with Grayson and Ian right now. Just stop by and tell me when you get home so that I know when to call."

"Thanks, Joe. I love you."

"I love you too, sis. Keep safe, okay?"

"Okay. Bye, Joe."


I hung up, and then I went to my duffel bag to get my outfit for the day.

It was just a t-shirt and jeans, so it was nothing special. I went into the bathroom and changed before I brushed my hair, then my teeth.

Once I walked back into the room, Ethan was awake.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"We gotta go back. I need to talk to Luke."

"Are you sure?" He asked, standing up and walking towards me.

"Ethan, it's okay. My brother is gonna call the police when I get there."

"I really just want you to be safe, Emma. I care about you." He said, putting his hands on my shoulders.

His eyes were traveling back and forth between mine, and we both slowly started to lean in.

There was something between Ethan and I already, and I knew that if it was gonna happen, that he was going to love me the right way.

But right before our lips almost brushed together, Ethan stopped us.

"Emma, I don't know the half of what Luke has done to you throughout your relationship, but I'm not going to let myself make a cheater out of you. I care about you a lot, and whatever was just about to happen can wait until Luke is gone. So, we're gonna stop right here and soak the drumroll part of the kiss we almost just shared, and then we're gonna walk out of here like nothing happened, and once he's gone, we can figure this out from there. I know there's something here, am I right?"

I nodded my head which was still against his, and he slowly backed away from me.

I packed my stuff back into my duffel bag, and we checked out of the hotel.

Ethan and I listened to music the whole way back, and I was already feeling the freedom I was needing.

When I asked my mom and dad for help last night, they gave me a good night's rest, and showed me that Ethan was a safety net that I could fall back on.

Once we got back to the apartments, I stopped in to let Joey know I was back, and him, Grayson, and Ian all gave me their support before I went upstairs to my place.

I unlocked the door, and walked in, and sure enough Luke was sitting at the counter.

"Why did you lie to me, Emma?"

"You know, Luke. I'm done with your games. I'm done sitting here while you treat me like absolute shit, and I'm done being yours."

"No one's ever going to love you like I do, Emma."

"You're right. No one's ever going to treat me as terribly as you do."

"Is this about Ethan? He's just gonna break your heart, you know."

"Luke, you can't break a heart that's already broken. We're over. Get it?"

He stood up and started walking towards me.

"You lied to me, Emma. I wouldn't be surprised if you cheated on me last night."

"Luke, you're the one who's been cheating on me for over a year. I'm done with you accusing  me of doing things to you that you've done to me, when I'm completely innocent. I'm done."

And right on cue, the police came in. Good thing I left the door unlocked.

"Luke Maynard? You are under arrest for the assault of Emma Chamberlain." One of them said. He protested as they handcuffed him and took him away, and within 30 seconds, Ethan's arms were around me, and the police were gone.

"I'm here, Emma. You're okay. You're safe now."

I looked up at him, and then our lips crashed together.

I heard Joey run into the room and say,

"Emma are you —-o-kay."

The kiss with Ethan was hungry. We both knew we wanted each other, and he was trying to tell me that everything was okay.

It was soft, warm, and everything I didn't know I was missing with Luke. Ethan was perfect. And he was everything I needed.

Once we pulled away for air, I ran over to Joey, who gave me a huge hug.

"I'm so glad you're safe, little sis." He said, tightening his arms around me.

Olivia came over, and she sat with me, Joey and Ethan while I explained everything to all of them, and they all cheered me up. They truly are my best friends.

That night, Joey stayed at my place on the couch, and we had a brother-sister talk.

He told me his true feelings about Luke, and everything he should've said about him before.

We talked all night about the situation, and I told him how relieved I was feeling.

I went to sleep relieved that I wouldn't have to face Luke anymore, but also excited about what could possibly happen with Ethan.

I know that Ethan has potential to treat me like I actually deserve to be treated.

Ethan's POV

Thank God that stupid asshole Luke is gone. I'm already falling hard for Emma, and if she lets me, I'm gonna love her the way she's supposed to be loved. The right way.

I'm gonna treat her more than right if she lets me in.

I'm gonna give her what she needs. All of the respect and care that she is worthy of.

I'm gonna be the best I can be for her.

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