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Emma's POV

"How ya feelin', Em?" Joey asked as I dug through the bag of food from Rio's to find my burrito and some Rio's sauce.

Once I got my food and sauce, I unwrapped it from the plastic and set it on my plate.

"Joe, I'm so conflicted right now."

"What do you mean, sis?"

"My heart is with two different people, and I don't know what to do."

"Let me guess. Ethan?"

I nodded my head. "I was supposed to go to a Dodgers game with him tonight, but we took a rain check because I realized that I need time to process everything with Luke. Ethan was so graceful about it. He just told me to let him know when I'm ready for it."

"You know, I think he really likes you."

"You do?"

"Emma, the whole time that you were upset at Olivia's, he was periodically stopping by or texting us to ask if you were okay. I'm surprised he didn't break down the door to Liv's room to check on you."

"And when I left he asked to go with me, so that I wouldn't be alone."

"Right. And just knowing that he's Grayson's brother makes me trust him a lot more. I can tell he's a good guy, Emma. I think you should give him a chance."

"I want to, but it wouldn't be fair to Ethan unless I'm 100% over Luke. Ethan deserves better than me rushing into it and not being able to give it my all. I just don't want to get his hopes up and then let him down."

"You're right. I just think you should sleep on it. Was everything okay with Heather and Brooke coming over today?"

"They've been nothing but supportive towards me, Joey. They even let me know how Luke's doing. Heather said that he's in anger management and counseling, and he's been diagnosed with bipolar depression. I guess I was too naive to figure out that what was going on was the result of a mental illness. I kept thinking about how much I miss mine and his relationship actually being good, and what if it could be good again once he's recovered?"

"Emma, just promise me you'll be careful. And if he does anything that even remotely hurts you or your feelings, he's out of your life for good."

"Humans can make mistakes, Joey."

"Emma, you're not listening to me. If he starts acting controlling towards you again, please tell me you'll leave as soon as you can."

"I will. I know how to handle it now."

"Emma." He said. "Look at me, sis." I looked up from my burrito to Joey, and concern laced through his ice blue eyes. The same eyes as mine. If we weren't so far apart in age I'll bet people would think us to be twins. "Be careful, okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."

After a few moments of eating our food in silence, I spoke again.

"I think I'm going to try out for the dance team this year."

"That's great, Emma. I think that will be good for you."

"Me too. I really missed dance."

"I still have your studio room downstairs if you wanna practice at all while you're here."

"Thanks, Joe. I might take you up on that offer."


We have one more week until school starts, and two more weeks until I have to be in court against Luke. I'm still going to go see him before then, but the whole situation is complicated.

Those few days that I spent at Joey's consisted of me thinking about and sorting out my feelings for Ethan and for Luke, and letting all of my stress out through dance.

I practiced a ton for tryouts, and I even choreographed two new solos for myself. It felt good to get back into the swing of dance, and tryouts are next week.

I posted a video of me doing a lyrical piece to 'No Questions Asked' by Fleetwood Mac. I thanked Joey for letting me use his laptop to film and post it.

After the third day of staying there, I decided to drive home, and once I got to my apartment, I remembered that Olivia had the spare key.

My whole apartment was decorated for me to welcome me back. My best friends are the best.

There were fresh flowers in the kitchen, a bucket filled with starbursts (my favorite), and a little note right beside it.

Welcome home, Em! We missed you, and hope that you feel better, and that this cheers you up a little bit. Can't wait to hang out again! We love you!

- Olivia, Grayson, Ethan, Katie, Scooter, and Ian.

I couldn't help but smile as I read the note, knowing that I have the greatest best friends in the world.

I went into my room, where I accidentally left my phone, and I turned it on. It was flooded with missed calls and texts, but that was only until Joey let them know that I was at his house.

The first thing I did was text Joey that I made it back in one piece, and then I called Olivia.

"Emma! Hey! Are you home now?"

"Hey, Liv. I am home. Thanks for the flowers and candy. You guys are seriously the best."

"Do you wanna come over?"

"Sure. Can we have the gang over?"

"Of course. I'll text them. Katie and Scooter are here, and I think the boys are home, so come over when you're ready."

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit. Love ya, Liv!"

"Love you too, sis. See you soon." She said, hanging up.

I changed into some shorts and an old crew neck sweatshirt from high school before throwing my hair into a high ponytail, and heading down the hallway to Liv's.

Olivia, Katie and Scooter all greeted me with big hugs when I arrived, and when the twins and Ian arrived, there were even more hugs.

Ethan was the last to give me a hug, and he kissed me on the cheek before pulling away. I silently thanked him for not planting one on my lips.

We both knew that that wasn't what I needed.

Anyway, we all sat down in the living room like normal, Olivia making me sit by her and Katie, and we all just talked and had a good time.

Ethan seemed to be doing okay, but I could tell he was a little bit sad about our current situation. I saw his heart sink when my eyes met his. My heart sank too.

I feel so torn. I mean, I'm still getting over Luke, and the possibility that things can be okay between him and I again, but I can't shake the feeling I get when I'm around Ethan.

Electricity runs through my veins when he fucking looks at me.

And when he wraps his arms around me, or kisses me, or smiles at me, I swear my heart stops for a whole minute every time. There's something about Ethan, and I'm starting to wonder if the reason I'm not over Luke is because Luke is just who I'm used to being with.

Maybe I'm terrified of falling for Ethan because I already know it'll be a good relationship, and it'd break my heart even more if something went wrong.

And if Luke let me down again, I wouldn't be as disappointed.

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