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Ethan's POV
The next morning

I woke up, and Emma was already up and moving for the day. I went to the bathroom before walking into her kitchen, were she was blending up a smoothie.

"Hey." She said, smiling at me. She was already dressed to go running, and her hair was in a perfect ponytail, complete with a little braid on the side that led to the ponytail.

"Good morning, you." I responded, walking towards her.

"I made us some smoothies."

"Oooh. Thanks, Emmo."

"We're supposed to meet Gray in thirty minutes, so if you want to shower or go get a change of clothes you can."

"Sounds like a plan, missy."

"Who are you calling missy?" She asked, smiling at me as she handed me a smoothie.

"You." I responded, taking a sip of said smoothie.

"Oh yeah?" She asked, stepping closer to me.

I leaned towards her face, so that my lips were close to hers. "Yeah." I whispered.

She softly pulled at my bottom lip with her teeth. "Hurry up and get ready. We gotta go soon. And don't tell Grayson about what happened yet. I have to figure out what I'm gonna tell Joey first." She said against my lips.

I pecked hers softly before I went towards her bedroom to get my shirt. I threw it on before going back to the kitchen to finish my smoothie.

"Okay. I'll see you in a bit. I'm gonna go take a quick shower."

"Don't have too much fun in there." She teased.

"I won't without you, missy." I responded as I walked out of her door.

I went to my place, and once I walked in, Grayson was hanging out in the kitchen.

"Oooh. Where were you last night?"

"Emma's couch. Deal with it."

"So you guys didn't—?"

"No, Grayson. But she did finally say that she's ready for a baseball game, so I'm getting tickets for tonight. Also I need a shower, so be ready to go running when I'm done."



After I showered and got dressed, Emma met Grayson and I at our place, and then we headed out to the track.

We ran our usual four miles, and Grayson decided to make it a competition.

"Guys let's see who can finish first."

"It'll be Ethan. He always finishes first." Emma teased.

"Not last night, señorita." I said.

Emma scoffed at my joke, and Grayson laughed before he beat Emma and I to cross the finish line on the track.

"I win!" He shouted, throwing his fist in the air. 

Emma and I were still laughing at each other while we stopped running, and Grayson asked who was buying lunch.

"Not Emma." I said.

"Oh come on, Ethan. You have to let me pay for food at some point." She complained.

"No can do, missy."

there's no way | ethmaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon