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Emma's POV
The next day

"Ethan, are you serious? Unlock the door right now, young man." Lisa called.

Ethan smiled at me before returning his lips to my neck. He thought it was funny that he locked the door.

We weren't doing anything besides making out, but Ethan likes to be a little mischievous I guess.

"Seriously, Ethan." Lisa added.

"Mom, I'm busy right now." Ethan said, kissing my lips and sliding his tongue into my mouth as our lips moved quickly together in sync.


"Mom, I'm almost 20 years old. Deal with it."

"My house, my rules. I birthed you. Open the door."

Ethan leaned down to whisper to me. "Go into my bathroom and shut the door. I got this."

I got up and did what he said, and I could hear Lisa and Ethan's conversation about a minute later.

"What, mom?"

"Ethan, what did I tell you? It's fine, just not in the house."

"We weren't even doing anything besides making out, mom."

"I was a teenager once. I know what kinds of stuff goes on in here."

"Exactly. So you know we weren't doing anything but kissing each other."

"Just stop locking the door. You're making me think you're breaking the rules."

"Don't worry, mom."

"Emma's a wonderful girl. Don't make her guilty by association, E."

I giggled. Lisa's great.

I fixed my hair into a nice ponytail, and I exited the bathroom.

Ethan was sitting on the bed and scrolling through his phone.

"Hey, you troublemaker."

"My mom told me not to make you guilty by association. Which means if you wanna get any action in, we're either gonna have to be really quiet in the bathroom tonight, or we are gonna park the car somewhere and have some fun in the backseat." Ethan said, smirking at me as I sat down next to him. "Plus I wanna show you around New Jersey anyway, so might as well have even more fun with it." He added.

I smiled. "I haven't had backseat intercourse since high school."

"Oh, don't worry. you're getting some this week, baby. I'll make it extra good."

"It's always extra good with you Ethan. My expectations are super high because you blow my mind every time."

"I know. We were a match made in Heaven when it comes to that. You never fail to amaze me."

I squeezed his hand and stood up.

"Come on, E. I think lunch is gonna be ready soon."

We went downstairs, and sure enough there were hot sandwiches in the sandwich press, and some on the griddle.

The table was all set, and a few minutes later, everyone was sitting at the table and enjoying the delicious grilled sandwiches.

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