getting to know the new you

Start from the beginning

"Ne Mayu-chan, do you see that little shrimp up front - he's a middle blocker." Oikawa had too seen the way Mayumi's attitude shifted after seeing Kageyama walk past them.

The brunette was right next to her as he spoke, leaning down on the railings in a similar fashion and pointed his finger to guide her line of vision. He was so close to her, it was just as intoxicating as it was in junior high.

"I saw him switch out a few times with the tall blonde lamppost, what's the deal with that kind of position-"

What the hell-

The orange-haired boy just jumped and soared through the air!


Mayumi grabbed the closest thing to her, being Oikawa-senpai's arm and shook it back and forth, unable to contain the shock that was running through her body. Her eyes were wide, afraid to blink and miss it again.

"Trashykawa, OI, did you SEE that?"

It was a perfect set, Mayumi knew that Tobio-chan was a genius but this was next level for him - it went right to his hand!

Iwaizumi stepped in to take a hold of the smaller girl, to prevent her from ripping their setter's arm off.

"Just wait until you see what else they are capable of."


If she had to describe Karasuno after watching their match, it would be adaptable and persistent.

The Johzenji team was completely unorthodox and unpredictable, but it was a strategy in of itself, it just needed to be polished by the players for them to use it to the fullest of their abilities. They were too busy focusing on random things throughout the sets, causing them to lose easy points that eventually cost them the match. The crows managed to pull through and win in two sets, calling their day to a close and awaiting for the semi finals tomorrow.

Mayumi was busy wandering through the corridors of the gym, her memory failing her and she lost sight of the tall boys from Seijoh a while ago when she went to the bathroom.

She was shocked to see a hand suddenly come in front of her face, slamming against the wall by her head and effectively trapping her in. Her heart was pounding, the idea of her being attacked with no help around settled in her mind. She glanced up at the boy who stopped her, recognizing him from one of the matches she saw earlier today, but couldn't remember which team.

"Eyyyy you're even cuter than the Karasuno manager, give me your number."


"Cuter than her?" Not Kiyoko. "You must be delusional, there's no way."

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