sign of the times

Start from the beginning

All this, in just one week.

It was hard to hide from the boys, especially the twins and Suna who were with her for most of the school day.

Yet, she didn't have the heart to tell them the tournament she was under for the past week. They have to focus on school and volleyball, and don't need her issues to worry about on top of it. It was, to Mayumi, her own responsibility to shoulder.

She just didn't think that the girls bullying her would be so quick coming forward and giving her demands.

"And how exactly do you propose that their manager stays away from them? You want the team to operate without a manager?"

"I'll be the manager, better than you ever were!" This must be the ring-leader, her perfectly styled hair seemed to emphasize her awful personality even more. The living proof that good looks does not equate to being a good person.

Mayumi was ready to retort, no one was gonna take her manager position, when her own personal blocker came in to save the day.



Suna was getting tired of scrolling on his timeline, there was nothing new in the last five minutes, Mayumi was taking way too long in the classroom. He placed his hand on the classroom door, ready to open it up when he heard voices other than his manager's.

Did she really lose it after Interhigh and start talking to herself? Blackmail material~

Only he wasn't expecting to see three girls towering over the Little Fox.


He's never seen the other three girls before, maybe it was just their forgettable faces or that fact that the volleyball club had a lot of supporters. None of those reasons meant that they could try and take away their manager.

Suna's presence was enough to embarrass the three bullies, sending them running out of the classroom.

Mayumi released a breath that she didn't even know she was holding. Their scare tactics would probably continue, but that was for another day.

It was time for practice after all.


The two of them casually strolled to the gym, they were already a few minutes late by the time Suna made his entrance, so what was a few minutes more? There was no point in exhausting unnecessary energy - Shinsuke would make Suna run anyways. He didn't need to run now.

Suna didn't know what to say, the tension between Mayumi and him was looming between them as they maneuvered through the hallways. He had so many questions running through his mind.

How long was this going on?

What did they do to you?

Why didn't you tell us?

"I didn't tell you guys because you don't need the added stress of my issues." Suna had spoken his last question out loud, and it was probably the most difficult for Mayumi to answer.

"Please don't tell Atsumu or Osamu. I'll tell them myself." Mayumu couldn't pick her head up, tears were prickling at the corners of her eyes. She never felt so small.

They made it to the gym door, Mayumi's head still down, unable to face the sympathetic eyes of Suna. She didn't want his sympathy, or anyone's sympathy.

At least she thought his eyes held sympathy.

Then he karate chopped her head.

"Don't cry over silly things, Mayumi." She finally managed to look up at Suna, hands holding her head trying to nurse the sore spot, but he was facing the gym doors. Suna was dreading the impending silent wrath of his captain for being so late.

Not to mention what the twins will do to him when they see both Mayumi and him are late.

The captain and those two devils were so protective, it was almost cringy.

"It's just a sign of the times - things are changing, and we are always here for you - so let us worry about you."

And with that Suna faced his greatest fear at that moment, opening the gym door to volleyball practice - Mayumi coming right behind him.

Just this once, she'll tell Shinsuke on Suna's behalf to not give him too many extra laps. 

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