year three: family is family

Start from the beginning

The Lupin girl banged her fist on the chair. "Harry, that was thirteen years ago. Besides, you're not the only one who hears voices."

"Really? And what do you hear?"

"I hear my dad, I hear my dad screaming to see me, screaming to be with me and my brother. And it's heartbreaking that the man who supposed to raise you, just ruined everything."

Harry's face of anger turned to one of confusion. "What exactly did he ruin for you? He didn't kill Professor Lupin--"

"He betrayed my godparents! He killed the childhood I was supposed to have. He betrayed my Uncle James and Aunt Lily--"

Ron's jaw dropped in shock. "Wait, so Harry is your godbrother?"

"Sure is, Ronald."

"Malfoy must've known!" yelled out Harry. "His father is in You-Know-Who's inner circle. He knew Black wanted to betray my parents, and kill Peter Pettigrew."

Hope Lupin-Black started laughing loudly, unable to control herself. "Pettigrew this, Pettigrew that. What if Pettigrew isn't even dead?"

Hermione looked to Hope with sad eyes. "Hope, I know you want your dad, but Peter Pettigrew died. There were witnesses--"

"They didn't. Peter Pettigrew is alive." Hope cried out. "And I'll be the first to find him or Dad. I'll be the first."

Ron Weasley wrapped an arm over the crying girl. "Hope, you'll die. He'll kill you."

"It'd be a mission worth dying for."

Harry threw a pillow at Hope, which she caught easily. "Go on that mission, be with your murderer of a father."

Hope started to bawl as Ron placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Hope, don't listen to him--"

"I should've known." exclaimed the Potter boy. "You're a traitor. Are you using me so that Black can murder me, too?"

"Harry, stop--"

He paced around the common room, furious as he could be. "You should've told me! You knew all of this all along, didn't you!"

"The Ministry made me keep quiet, Harry." said Hope, through her fit of tears. "If I would've been able, I would've told you first year that you were my godbrother."

"I have two god-siblings. And I knew nothing about them."

She shrugged her shoulders lightly. "You knew nothing of Uncle James' past, so it wasn't difficult to keep that away from you--"

"Who knows?"


Harry stared intently at his friend. "Who all knows?"

Hope sighed and bit the skin of her bottom lip. "Papa, Alfie, and George."

"Hope Black." he repeated to himself. "Little Hope Black, Hope James Black. You're named after my father?"

"My godfather, I was named after my godfather!" she yelled back at him, which made her friends flinch. "Dad wanted me to have his best friend's name."

As Harry stormed out of the common room, Hermione ran after him, leaving Hope and Ron alone. Hope just stood there, angry tears streaming down her pale cheeks. Ron just touched her shoulder lightly.

"Hope, are you okay?"

She turned around and cried into his boney shoulder. "He's innocent, Ron. He's innocent."

"He's a murderer, Hope." he tried to tell her. "He killed Peter Pettigrew and betrayed Harry's mum and dad."

Hope shook her head furiously and walked to the portrait door. Only giving Ron one glance. "Peter Pettigrew is alive. And I'm finding him."

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