Chapter Twenty Nine

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Levi Cohen was feeling especially confident as he walked into the judge's chambers. There was no doubt in his mind that his client was guilty of kidnapping and raping that poor girl, but that was what made this case much more exhilarating.

Representing an innocent person was no fun.

There was no challenge, no fame to be obtained after emerging victorious. If he could win this one, he would be the talk of his peers for years to come, not to mention his client would pay him plenty.

Judge Sarah Thompson peered at the documents from the case through her thin, silver rimmed glasses, shaking her head ever so often as she read through the grizzly details of what occurred. 

When she finished, she looked at the defense lawyer, her top lip twitching.  "What's your case here, Levi? Because this looks bad."

"You already know, Your Honor, that my client was a victim of police brutality and an unwarranted search.  The evidence found should be thrown out."

"The evidence found was a young girl and a corpse."

"Both of whom my client caused no harm to."

"You call this unharmed?"  The judge held up a picture of Emily's bruised body that was taken at the hospital.  "Your client beat this girl senseless."

"Again, it was all part of a role play scenario."

"This is absurd, Judge Thompson." Jada Williams said, "The victim herself told the police she was taken against her will, beaten, and raped."

Levi scoffed. "You're taking the word of a girl who had regrets about exploring her strange kinks. She was worried her family would shame her, so she fabricated a kidnapping story."

"Where's your evidence to prove this was a role play scenario, Mr. Cohen?" Judge Thompson asked.

Levi reached into his coat pocket and pulled out something that caused both women to gasp in pure disgust. In his hand was Emily's red g-string.

"Do you honestly think a girl who wore these on a date is a victim? She was asking for it."

"That's enough, Levi!" Judge Thompson waved her arm in the air with a frown on her serious face. "I will not listen to you blame the victim."

"With all due respect, Your Honor, don't you think you're a little biased since you're a woman?"

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that."

"Alright, fair enough. But there's still the matter of the police brutality."

"Those detectives will be reprimanded for their actions, but I cannot dismiss the fact that a girl was found tied up and beaten."

"That's why I proposed the deal of my client's six month stay at the local jail. Emily Hayden can issue a restraining order while he's in there, and the two of them will never see each other again."

The judge looked at Jada. "Do you accept this?"


"Then, this case will be taken to court. We will let a jury decide who is telling the truth."


One Month Later


The first day of the trial was here, and it was not getting off to a great start. My mother and Hope stood with me in the courthouse bathroom as I vomited up the bacon and eggs from breakfast.

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