Chapter Twenty Five

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My life had been turned upside down a week ago, when Emily confessed to me that she may have been pregnant.  I was about ready to kill her for betraying me and treating me like a bag of horse shit, but I could not bring myself to take the life of an unborn infant.  After kissing Emily passionately and telling her how happy I was, I tied her to our bed and ran to the nearest drug store to purchase a pregnancy test.  I was beyond eager to get it home.

Emily took the test under my supervision. I didn't want to take the chance of her throwing it away, or giving me a false report. We waited exactly three and a half minutes before checking the results.


I was going to be a father.

This changed the dynamic of our relationship, and how I was to punish her if she chose to get out of line again.  I could no longer use physical violence to get my point across, which I realized was a foolish thing to do in the first place.  She would never fall in love with me if I continued to beat her. 

I thought about what Doctor Holt said to me before I ended his life.  'Don't be like your father.  You're making the same mistakes as he did.'  I knew he was one hundred percent right, but I had no idea how to control Emily when she got rebellious.

The only other solutions were keeping her bound and gagged, or forcing her to stay in the closet; and neither one of those were good for the baby.

I was going to have to be patient with her, show her that she still had a loving home here, despite how terrible she had been to me a few days ago.

"How's your breakfast, my love?" I asked, stroking her freshly dyed blonde hair. It really was uncanny how much she looked like Katherine now. It was almost kind of frightening. "Do you want more?"

"No, thank you." Her voice was meek. She hadn't said much to me since the beating, and I suppose I couldn't blame her.

"Have another bite of eggs. You have to keep your strength up for the baby."


"Shhhh," I scooped some scrambled eggs into her spoon and shoveled them into her mouth. "There now, the protein will help our baby grow strong."

"Can we please go one fucking day without talking about this baby?" The words stung me deeply.

"Why don't you want to talk about it?"

"Never mind."

"No," I took her face into my hands. "You can't say something like that and expect me to just drop it."

Her green eyes swelled with tears. "You raped me, Vincent. Do you really think I can love this baby?"

"Don't say that, Emily. Don't fucking say that."

"I'm being honest with you.  How many times have you told me to tell you how I feel?"

"Don't bring the baby into it."

"Are you serious?  My world is going to revolve around this abomination for nine months."

"Don't call it that."

"Stop telling me what to do and listen!"

"No!"  I slammed my fist down on the table.  "I will not listen to you bad mouth our little miracle."

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