Chapter Twelve

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Several days have passed since Hope was attacked, and the police were no closer to finding the person who did it. I brought her breakfast every morning and spent a couple of hours visiting. She never once brought up her suspicions about Vincent, even when I asked if she suspected someone she knew.  I wasn't sure if she was trying to spare my feelings, or if Vincent had exaggerated the details of their conversation. Either way, this sucked.

I cared for both of them deeply, and to know that there was mutual hatred between them broke my heart. The writing was all over the wall.  The day would come when I was forced to choose a side, and I was nowhere near ready for that decision.

"Emily," Hope said, making me blink my eyes.  She was eating from the bag of donut holes I brought her this morning.  "Is something bothering you?"

"No," I smiled at her.  "Why do you ask?"

"I can tell when something is on your mind."

"Actually, it's about Vincent."


"He said you accused him of attacking you."

She set her breakfast down with a sigh.  "I did."

"Do you really think he was the one?"

"You've seen the tension between us, Emily. Who else would go out of their way to attack me?"

"It was probably some random creep who lurked around and waited for a girl to come out of the dorms alone.  You know shit like that isn't exactly uncommon for college campuses.  That's why they gave us that lecture about safety at the orientation."

"Is it so unlikely that it was Vincent?" I could tell she was becoming defensive. "Or do you just not want to believe he's not as perfect as you think?"

"That's not fair, Hope."

"Why isn't it?  You and I have been best friends since we were kids, but you're allowing some asshole to come between us.  You won't even consider the possibility that he was the one."

"You only think he attacked you because you hate him.  You've hated him since the day you met him, and it's obviously clouding your judgment."

"I knew you'd take his side over mine. That's why I didn't even bother to tell you."

"But you went out of your way to let him know what you thought, didn't you?" My face was suddenly becoming fiery hot. "God, this is just like you. You get pissed at someone you think doesn't like you enough, and you try to ruin their life."

Her mouth fell open in shock. "Is that really what you think I'm doing? You think I would sink so low as to accuse him just because we don't get along?"

"I don't know." I leaned forward and put my head in my hands. "I honestly don't know what to think."

"Well, let me make it easier for you." She threw the bag of donut holes at me. "Get the hell out of here."

"Hope, come on.  Don't be a damn drama queen."

"You think I'm being a drama queen?" She forced herself to stand from the bed on shaky legs, dragging her monitor machine along with her. "Look at me, Emily! I'm bruised and broken because of Vincent!"

"If you really believe he was the one who did this to you, then why haven't you told the police?"

"I-I don't have any proof."

Her eyes filled with tears, and I stood up and placed my arms around her. "I'm so sorry this happened."

My cellphone buzzed from my pocket. I dug it out and read the message on my screen.

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