Chapter One

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The first day of college was an important milestone in the life of most young people, a day that should be filled with the euphoric emotions of excitement and independence. Unfortunately, my morning had been spent standing in front of the mirror with trembling hands by my sides.

The reflection staring back at me was a pitiful sight to behold; brown eyes that had been dulled from years of tragedy and terror, and lips that pursed together so tightly that I could hardly breathe.

This wasn't how I pictured myself at the age of nineteen.

I was supposed to be happy and emotionally stable, my own man with no one to push him around. But I still felt like the small child being pushed around.

Would my peers even take me seriously when they saw how weak and pathetic I was, or would I be shunned? Most people would say it didn't matter what anyone else thought, but pretending not to care about the opinions of others was a crock.

Everyone wants to be accepted.

After pondering my life a little more in front of the mirror, I forced myself to drive to the college and find my first class. Human Behavioral Biology. An ironic way to begin my adulthood, considering I've been probed and dissected my entire life.

I found a seat in the back of the room, awaiting the arrival of the professor. There were about thirty others sitting and waiting as well, some of them talking and laughing with each other, while others had their faces buried in their cellphones.

None of them seemed particularly interesting, especially not the three young girls who were now looking my way with smiles on their faces, all of them looking like bleached-blonde, wannabe Barbie, bimbos. I turned away from them.

Those were the kinds of bitches I avoided at all costs, because they were nothing but trouble. In fact, after losing the only girl I ever cared about in this world, girls were the last thing on my mind.

I wanted to forget about them all together, because if I reached out to one and was rejected, the little bit of sanity that dwelled in my mind would die.

"Pardon me," The soft touch of a hand embraced my shoulder. "Is this seat next to you taken?"

My eyes shifted upward, meeting the sweet gaze of a pretty girl. A lump swelled in my throat. She had long brown hair that cascaded down her milky white shoulders, and emerald eyes that could easily pierce through to my very soul if I allowed them to.

She almost looked like....her.

No, damn it! She was not the girl I used to love!

I pinched my eyes shut, then shrugged my shoulders with as much indifference as I could muster. "No, you may take it if you'd like."

"Thanks." She sat down next to me, and from the corner of my eye I could see her fumbling through her purse until she found a sparkling pink notebook.

My God, the resemblance was absolutely uncanny.

They had different hair and eye colors, but her aura was just as sweet as.....hers.

"Is this your first year?"  She asked suddenly, causing my eyes to hesitantly land back on her.


"Mine, too."

"Oh, really?"  My voice was steady, but my hands trembled underneath the desk.  "That's nice."

"What are you majoring in?"


Stop talking to me.  Please, for the love of God.

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