Chapter Two

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The anticipation of waiting for the day to end was so overwhelming that I could hardly stand it. My mind was consumed with the possibilities of having alone time with Emily, and how I would go about it.  Part of me knew that spending time with her was a fatal mistake, but my heart was telling me to ignore all of the doubt and fear, and to be open to the possibility that she was not like all the other nice girls in my life, doomed to die.

I went to the cafeteria and bought myself a crappy cup of coffee before making my way to the library, stopping cold in my tracks when I saw two people sitting at a table with Emily; a red headed guy who looked like he belonged on a wholesome family sitcom, and a blonde girl who reminded me of the bimbos from my class.  They were quite the pair.

Emily waved me over with a smile on her face.  She waited until I was seated in the chair next to her before introducing me to her friends.  "I'm so glad you made it."  She pointed to both of them.  "This is James Reed, my brother from another mother, and the saucy mama sitting next to him is Hope King."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both."  I forced myself to say, trying not to stare at the massive cleavage that bubbled out of the blonde's low cut, pink top.

"Great to meet you, man."  James said, shaking my hand heartily.  "We needed an extra study buddy."

"Study buddy?"  Hope laughed, "What kind of lame, elementary school terminology is that?"

"What's lame about it?  We're here to study, and we have made a new buddy in the process."

"We're not even studying the same shit."  Her tone was laid back and full of jest, but I wanted to reach out and slap that ugly language out of her filthy mouth.  What kind of young lady spoke that way?

"That's enough," Emily intervened, "You're going to scare Vincent off before we even get started."

I laughed nervously. "It's okay. I don't scare very easily."

Hope smiled and not-so-subtly scooted her chair closer to mine. "So, where are you from, Vance?"

"It's Vincent," I corrected, "And I'm from Potteria."

"Where's that at?"

"It's east from here, about two hours away."

"Hey, isn't that the town where a police officer was shot in his own home?" James asked, causing every bone in my body to grow numb.

"Yes," I nodded my head solemnly, staring down at the table. "That was a very sad day for our town."

The air in the room became thick, and everyone was silent for a moment. Emily eventually cleared her throat and said, "Why don't we get away from that sad subject and start writing."

"Alright," Hope agreed, "James and I will move to a different table so you can get started."

They moved to the table next to us and cracked open their textbooks, studying for a beginning of the year exam they had for their chemistry course. 

Emily looked at me and whispered, "So, what do you think?  Are some people born evil?"

The question sent a wave of unpleasant memories flooding through me, making my stomach twist into painful knots. "Yes," I answered sadly, "I personally knew a man who had loving parents, but grew up to be a cold hearted father to his son."

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