Chapter Seven

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The long school day came to an end, and I returned home with the confidence of Elvis Presley. The curse of being alone was finally dead, because Emily had broken it with her kindness and love towards me.  My chaotic life finally made sense.

Everything that had ever happened to me, the death of my parents, my sister, and....her....were nothing compared to the happiness I was feeling.  My pain, my anguish, my tear filled nights; they were all worth it because of meeting Emily.

I would never allow evil to befall Emily.  My only reason for existence was to protect her, and that meant stopping anything or anyone who would come against her.  She was my lovely damsel, and I was her brave, strong knight in shining armor.

My cellphone vibrated.  I picked it up and nearly fell back in awe when her name appeared on the screen with a text message.  She had given me her cellphone number earlier in the day so we could stay in touch.

Can I swing by your place later and check out that car you were telling me about?

"Oh, hell yeah!" I shouted aloud, startling Captain Harold so much he sprinted across the room.

This was almost too good to be true! 

I immediately texted her back.

Sure, that would be cool.

Great!  Text me your address.  I'll be there in about an hour.

I did as she asked, then ran around like a chicken without a head as I tried to get the house ready for her.  My God!  Where should I start!?  I didn't know if I should light a few candles and play some soft, romantic music in the background, or if it would be better to play it cool and keep it simple.

The living room was filled with the music of Marvin Gaye a few minutes later, which played on loop until I heard the sound of a car pulling up. I ran across the house with a can of air freshener in my hand, spraying every inch that I possibly could.

The atmosphere had to be perfect!  I took in a deep breath before running to the front door. Emily was standing beside a blue Honda, waving at me when she saw me come outside. My hopes of becoming closer to her were dashed, however, when I saw the driver side door open, an older man stepping out.

Damn it, she brought her father. I wish she would've told me that before I went out of my way to impress her. Oh harm done, I suppose.

I waved back at her and made my way over to them, forcing a smile on my lips.  Her father examined me with serious green eyes, then put his hand out for me to grab. "You must be Vincent." His voice was deep, but friendly. "I'm Kenneth Hayden, Emily's father."

I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, sir."

"Emily tells me that you have a car for sale. Would you mind if I had a look at it?"

"Not at all," I said, extending my hand towards the garage. "It's right in here."

I opened the garage door, switching on the light as we stepped inside. Emily's father wasted no time looking over the outside of the car. He ran his hand over the hood and looked at the tires. I worried that he would examine it too much and find the tracker that I hid underneath, but he moved on to the inside of the car. "This is a mighty nice machine you have here, Vincent."  He said.

"Thank you."

"How many miles are on it?"

"Just a little over fifty thousand."

"How long have you had it?"

"Only a few months. My grandmother left it to me in her will, and I inherited it when I became an adult."

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