Chapter Eleven

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My night was filled with terrible dreams of being caught by the police for the assault, but all of my anxiety subsided in the morning.  Emily and I were eating breakfast together at our favorite place, and it was nice to know we wouldn't be interrupted by her meddling friend, who was out of the way for good.  Things were finally looking up for us!

There was no one around to plant bad ideas about me into my beloved's head. She was going to see how much I truly loved her.  I had a special plan for us tonight, a plan that would lead to the long awaited consummation of this relationship.

We would start the evening by having a romantic stroll along the beach, then I would prepare a lavish dinner for her.  She would be so grateful that she'd let me take her for as long as I wanted, which is something I have fantasized about for months.

The sudden bulge in my pants caused me to cross my legs.  My cheeks were burning hotter than the sun, and my heart was pounding hard against my chest. My fantasies were so close to being real!

Emily looked at me with raised eyebrows.  "Hey, are you okay?  You look like you're about to barf."

"Sorry," I rubbed the back of my neck.  "I guess I put too much salsa on these breakfast tacos."

Her lips curled up into an amused smile. "You're so goofy sometimes, you know that?"

"I can't help it. Don't you know I'm a part clown?"

"I think clowns are sexy."


"Hell no. They're creepy as shit."

"What is it with you and that potty mouth?"

"Potty mouth? You sound like my grandmother."

"Your grandmother must've been awesome."

"She still is."

"Wow. It must be nice having living grandparents."

Her cellphone rang before she could respond to my slightly off the wall observation. She held a finger up and answered the call. "Hey, what's up?"

The smile on her lips faded swiftly as she listened, and my stomach clenched when I saw the terror in her eyes.  "No way!"  She shrieked, throwing her hand on my arm for support.  "Please, tell me there's some kind of horrible mix up, James!"

The hope in my veins vanished.  This was the phone call that I had been dreading.  Somehow I thought this wouldn't happen, and that everything would be in my favor, but reality hit me like a wrecking ball.

Emily's eyes were filled with tears now.  "I-I have to call my dad and tell him what has happened.  We'll meet you at the hospital as soon as we can."

She ended the call and looked at me.

"What's the matter?"  I asked, "What happened?"

"Someone attacked Hope."

"What!?  Who!?"

"We don't know.  James only found out a while ago.  He's at the hospital now.  Can you take me?"

She Belongs to Me (Rewritten Version)Where stories live. Discover now