Chapter Four

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The beautiful image of Emily in her pink night gown was all I could think about during the drive home. I never intended to be bold enough to watch her from across the street, but I couldn't help it.

She shouldn't have left her curtains drawn back in the first place.  Doesn't she know there are sick people out there who would love to peep in at her for all the wrong reasons? I'm glad I was there to make sure she was safe from those kinds of creeps.

Still, my presence did alarm her.  She screamed out when her eyes landed on mine, and I suppose I can't blame her.  But I'd never lay a hand on her, and I would kill anyone who ever tried to hurt her.

No, damn it! This is crazy. I promised myself that I wouldn't even so much as glance at a woman, and now look at me. My mind is consumed by her. I need to stop this shit, before it gets out of hand.

I returned to my house, ripping off my clothes and climbing into bed.  I stared up at the ceiling as I tried to push her out of my mind.  It was no use.  She was already implanted inside like a vicious seed. Especially the picture of her in that gown; those long legs and the way her breasts were hardly concealed. She was practically begging for me to look in at her!  Naturally, I had to oblige her.

My hand crept underneath my blanket as I thought about her, and I pleasured myself to the thought of taking her until I was able to fall asleep.  Even my dreams were dominated by her angelic face. How could I even think about giving up such pleasure?

The evil people in my life were dead.  There was no need to worry about them hurting her.  This could be my last chance for a life of happiness. 

It would be foolish of me not to pursue her.

All I had to do was play it cool and get to know her.

How hard could it be?

The next morning, she sat down in the seat next to me and handed me a brown paper sack.  "I bought an extra bagel this morning.  Do you like bagels?"

"Yes, thank you very much.  But you didn't have to buy me anything."  I took the carbohydrate filled breakfast and stuck it in my book bag for later. 

How generous of her to think of my well being!

"Well, it's the least I can do.  You're really helping me out on that report, you know."

"I'm just telling you sad stories.  You must be tired of hearing about that monstrous father by now."

"No, not at all.  I think it's fascinating."  Her green eyes widened.  "Shit, that must have sounded very insensitive.  I didn't mean-"

"I knew what you meant, Emily."  That was the first time I'd been bold enough to say her name aloud.

"We still have about five thousand words left to write down. You want to hit the library today?"

"Yes, we may as well finish it up."

Professor Lemon walked into the room, causing her to turn her attention to the front.  My stomach felt so nauseous I could hardly stand it.  I hated lying to her about the man from our report, but I didn't want her to pity me because of my childhood.

The time would come when I'd tell her the truth.

"Good morning," Professor Lemon said, leaning back on his desk with his legs crossed.  "We will start class this morning by watching some news footage regarding the unpleasant story I shared with you yesterday.  I want you all to pay close attention to the mannerisms of our sex trafficker while he is being interviewed by the press."

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