Chapter Three

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The cool night wind danced around my arms as I walked to the front door, hoping my mother was already in bed. Even though I was eighteen years old, she still had a tendency to treat me like a small child, but I knew she did it out of love.

Vincent was still parked in front of the house, most likely waiting until I was inside to leave.  He was unlike other other guy I had ever met; chivalrous, intelligent, and intense about his college work.

I waved at him before pushing open the front door, stepping inside to find my parents sitting on the sofa, watching a boring late night talk show.

My dad stood up and dramatically glanced at his wrist. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Do you?" I retorted, smiling and placing my hands on my hips. "You're not wearing a watch."

He smiled and pulled me in to his arms for one of his bear hugs. "How was your first day of school, kiddo? Did you learn anything?"

"I learned that a crappy tasting cup of coffee from the cafeteria costs five dollars."

"Those bastards."

My mom switched off the television, turning her head towards us with a grin. "Kenneth, are you just going to let her off the hook that easily? Ask her where she's been for the last four hours."

"You heard your mother. Explain yourself, young lady, or I'll be forced to light my torch and chase you off into night."


"Relax, Charlotte.  You know as well as I do that our girl has a good head on her shoulders."

I sat down next to my mother and placed my hands on her shoulders.  "I was at the library writing a report for my behavioral biology class."

"Who were you with?"

"James and Hope, oh...and a guy I met in class this morning."

"Does this guy have a name?"


"Is he-"

"Lay off, Charlotte."  Dad intervened, pulling her off the couch before she could ask anything else.  "I told Emily that she could stay out a little late, as long as she didn't go to some wild party."

"I'm sorry, but I can't help worrying when you stay out late, Emily.  You're a beautiful young girl and-"

"Nothing is going to happen to me, mom."

"All kidding aside," Dad said, "Your mother is right to worry. There are a lot of dangerous young men at college campuses, ones who would love nothing more than to take advantage of a pretty girl."

"Have you been watching Law and Order again?"

"Just promise you'll be careful, kiddo, because if anyone ever tried to hurt you, I'd kill them."

"I'll be careful, Dad. You have my word."

I went upstairs to my bedroom and changed into my night gown, climbing into my bed to catch up on some much needed sleep. My father's booming laughter echoed through the house, no doubt caused by something the late night talk show host on television said.

Most girls my age were more than ready to leave their parents behind, but I was relieved that they wanted me to live with them while I attended school.  That made life so much simpler.

Besides that, I loved my parents dearly.  My father was a war veteran who now owned a small fishing shop down town, and my mother was a school teacher.  They were the two kindest people anyone could ever meet, and I couldn't imagine being away from them for longer than a few days.

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