Chapter Thirteen

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⚠️⚠️ Trigger Warning!!  Chapter contains violent content!! ⚠️⚠️



"Oh my God," I ran my fingers through my hair as I stared down at my unconscious girlfriend slumped over in the passenger seat. "What did I just do?"

This was not how our evening was supposed to go!

We were meant to have an evening filled with lots of laughter, romance, and passion; instead, I was going to have to come up with a way to explain this shit to the police, and to her family.

Oh, who was I kidding?

There was no talking my way out of this! Along with assaulting her, I stupidly confessed that I was the one who attacked her best friend. I don't know why I thought she would understand my motives.

Emily was one of the purest creatures on this hellish planet.  She could never fathom the violence and rage that consumed my mind on a daily basis. 

I did not deserve to have someone like her!

But I couldn't lament about that now.

She was already waking up from the hard blow to to her beautiful face.  I looked out of the car window to make certain no one was around before placing my hands underneath to arms to hoist her into the backseat, climbing awkwardly on top of her with the roll of duct tape in my hands.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open, and a pained groan escaped her lips. "I'm so sorry, Emily." I said as I wrapped the sticky tape around her mouth.

She let out a small whimper, and I touched her exposed thigh with an unsteady hand. "This is not how I wanted things to go between us. You have to believe that. I never wanted to hurt you."

I looked out the window once more to make sure the coast was still clear, then I climbed back to my seat and drove away from her house.  Her parents were going to realize she was missing when she didn't return home tonight.  I had to take every precaution possible to make sure they didn't suspect me.

I dropped her off in front of the house after our date, Mr. Hayden.  I would have stayed to make sure she got inside, but I had a family emergency.

Yes, that would work.  I could say my grandmother fell down a flight of stairs or something.  They had no way of knowing that she was dead. 

That story would buy me a little time, hopefully enough to make sure Emily was well hidden.

I glanced in the rear view mirror, finding that her emerald eyes were fixed on me. Her forehead was creased with fear stained lines, and her breaths were short and frantic. "You must stay calm, my love. I promise that I'm going to make this right."

My stomach rumbled, causing me to sigh.  "We could have had a nice dinner, you know.  Now I'm going to have to scrounge around my kitchen to see if I can cook us a decent meal on such short notice."

Dinner was probably the furthest thing from her mind at the moment.  She writhed in the backseat and tried to use her thumbs to undo the necktie that held her wrists together, but it was no use. 

"We'll be home soon."  I said, "We can talk there."

The rest of the ride home was much clearer than I anticipated. I feared the police would pull me over for something trivial like a broken tail light, but God seemed to be smiling down on me for once. I pulled into the garage and shut off the engine.

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