Chapter 29

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Hawkmoth nodded, "Yes, I know your identity. Yes I'm your father, now give me your miraculous or..."

"Or what!? You will kill me!? Your own son! Are you so despret to have the miraculous' that you will kill your son!" Chat yelled.

"Do you want to find out?" Hawkmoth asked.

"Yes," Chat growled.

Hawkmoth gripped his neck tighter, "Alright."

Chat tries to get away as he began to feel like he could not breath. Ladybug had came and hit Hawkmoth in the head with Chat's baton. Hawkmoth let go of Chat as he fell back. Chat fell as well and began to cough.

Ladybug kneeled down by Chat, "Your hurt, you have cuts all over your face and body."

"I'll be okay, just a trip to the hospital will do for me," Chat said with a weak smile.

Ladybug nodded, "Okay, the cops will deal with him."

"Yeah they will," With that  Chat stood up.

Ladybug wrapped her arm around him, "Alright let's go."


A couple of hours passed and Adrien was at the hospital so his injuries would be treated because they were bad.

Emma entered the room, "Dad."

Adrien looked over at Emma and hummed with a smile. She went over to him and Adrien sat up and picked her up so she sat by him, "Hello princess, I told you I would be okay."

Emma hugged him, "Your strong."

Adrien hugged her back, "You, your brother, and you mom make me strong."

Marinette kissed his cheek, "We are just glad your okay."

Adrien looked at Marinette, "Well I will be fine, I'll be fine to go home today even."

"Is it over?" Emma asked.

Adrien nodded, "Yes, it's all over, no more problems or dangers."

Emma smiled, "Now we can be a normal family."

Adrien hummed, "In a way your mom and me are still famous in Paris and we might be going in and out of Paris with you guys, so not completely normal."

"Your right," Emma hugged him once again. "Family hug."

Marinette hugged them as she help Hugo only making the small boy make noises. Adrien hugged his family back.


After a few days after everything was done Adrien went to visit his father.

"Hello father," Adrien said.

"What do you want?" Gabriel asked.

"To ask you a question," Adrien responded.

"What?" Gabriel asked.

"Why did you want the miraculous?" Adrien asked.

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