Chapter 25

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Chat looked at the akumatized victium, "Well I can't give it to you unless you let me free."

The victum hummed and nodded, "You're right."

"What are you doing!? It was a trap idiot!" Hawkmoth told the victum.

Chat hold the akumatized victum steedy, "Let her go!" The victum let's her go but continues to try and get away but Chat does nt allow it. "Hurry!"

Ladybug gets the sourse and breaks it's. "No!" The victum exclaimed.

Ladybug captures the butterfly and let's it go, "Bye bye pretty butterfly."

Chat let's the victum go and goes to Ladybug, "Are you okay!? Are you hurt!? Is anything wrong!?

"Calm down," Ladybug said as she kissed his nose. "I'm don't worry."

Chat hugs her, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Ladybug hugs him back, "I wanted to tell you in a better way, but it just came out because I was scared."

"I'm not letting you do this while pregnant."

"I know you would say that."

"Wait, who's the father?"

"You silly."

"Thank goodness, I thought it was Nathaniel's kid."

"He wanted a kid, but I said I wasn't ready."

Chat smiles at her, "You just didn't want to have a kid with him."

Marinette smiled back, "That's true."

"When are you guys getting married?" Emma asked.

Marinette pulled away from the hug and picked up Emma, "Soon maybe."

Emma looked at her dad only earning a smiled and a nod before she hugs her mom, "I love you."

Ladybug hugged her back, "I love you more."

Chat hugged them both, "I love you three the most."

"Three?" Emma asked.

Chat nodded and smiled, "Your mom is having another baby."

"Really!" Emma smiled brightly.

Ladybug nodded, "Yes."

"I'm going to be a big sister," Emma said in excitement.

"Yes you are," Ladybug said.

"We should get home, right Emma?" Chat asked.

"Yeah!" Emma said.

"What are you two hiding?" Ladybug asked as she looked at them.

"You'll see, love," Chat winked at her.

"Okay love," Ladybug said.

They started to head back to the mansion together. Chat stayed close to Ladybug just to make sure she was safe and so she wouldn't have trouble holding Emma.

Ladybug landed on the roof as she detransforms and she put Emma down, "Adrien, what's with the flowers?"

Adrien landed beside her and detransformed, "M'lady, I love you." Adrien took her hands in his, "Your my world, and I wanted to ask you something."

Marinette looked at Adrien, "Umm... Ask away?"

Adrien kneels downon one knee, "Will you marry me?"

With that Marinette looked at Emma.

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