Chapter 17

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Adrien was woken up by Emma since she was a bit to loud and he looked over to her before sitting up, "Emma!? What's wrong!?" He quickly got up and went over to her.

Emma looked at her dad before looking back down at the picture, "Why... Why does this picture have you and Marinette kissing?"

Adrien took the picture from her, "Marinette, we were um..."

"Is she my, mom?" Emma asked.

Adrien nodded, "Yes but let me expla-"

Emma looked down, "Marinette is a nice girl... She wouldn't leave me so... You took me away from her."

"No that's not tru-"

"She loves me and you just took me away from her!"

"I didn't do th-"

"I hate you! Your the worst dad ever!" Emma jumped off the chair and runs out the room.

Adrien ran after her, "Emma! You don't mean that!"

"Yes I do! I hate you! You're the worst!" Emma runs into her room and closes the door.

"Emma please!" I didn't take you away from youor mother!" Adrien exclaimed as tears formed in his eyes.

"You hate me."

"No I don't, I love you, so much."

"Leave me alone!"

"Okay," Adrien whispered as he walked back to his room.

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