"I forgive you, but I think it's going to take a long time for us to get back to where we were."

"I'm okay with that. As long as we never become strangers again."

"We won't." I said. "I missed you too."

He smiled, and got up from his seat. "Come on." He said, gesturing to the door with his head. "I have something to show you."

I got up, and we both threw our empty coffee cups away before he led me to his car. We got in, and he got a CD out of a case, and put it into the CD player.

"My friend Max I made a cover album of your dad's music. We changed some of the songs up a little to put our own twist on it, but I wanted to surprise you." He said. The music started playing, and he started driving around town so that we could listen to it together.

"Wow, Ethan. It amazes me that you did all of this."

"I wanted my apology to you to be special. And I needed a way to get you to talk to me."

"I'm sorry for avoiding you, Ethan."

"I don't blame you. I have so much to make up to you, Emma."

"This was a good start." I said.

"Yes!" Ethan whisper-yelled.

So, we drove around until the album was over, and we ended up in a McDonald's drive-thru.

"Want anything?" Ethan asked.

"6 piece McNuggets."

We got our food, and Ethan parked the car.

I took some of his fries, and he smiled and shook his head.

"You've always been a little fry thief."

"I'm a girl, what did you expect?"

"You can eat all of my fries that you want."

"Thanks, Ethan."

"Do you want to go to my place and play some Monopoly?"

"As long as I get to be the race car."

"I'll be the top hat."

"You've got a deal, Dolan."


"Ethan, you can't just buy everything." I laughed. "You have to save money or else I'll win." I said. We had the game board on the rug in his living room, Ethan was laying on his side, and I was laying on my stomach, adjacent to his side of the board.

"I thought the object of the game is to buy everything before everybody else does." He said. I burst into laughter. It felt good to be hanging out with Ethan again.

"No, Ethan. The object is to have the most money left over."

"Cameron tricked me." He said under his breath.

"I wouldn't know. I'm the oldest in my family." I teased.

"You have an older brother! That doesn't count, you silly goose."

"At least I know the rules to Monopoly." I said.

We reached the end of the game, and I won with 200 million monopoly dollars left. Ethan had 5 million.

"I let you win." He said, winking at me as he sat up.

I scoffed. "Sore loser." I responded, starting to put the game back into the box.

"Emma, what if we just took things day by day?"

"You mean get back together?"

"Yeah. We can get back together, and work through the issues that need to be solved. I miss you, and I know for a fact that something's still here."

I nodded. "Okay. Day by day it is."

He took my hand in his, and squeezed it. "Get over here and kiss me, Chamberlain."

I scooter over so that I was sitting next to him, and the next thing I knew, I was laying down, and he was hovering over me with his thumb moving back and forth on my jaw.

I laced my fingers into the back of his hair as he lowered his soft lips onto mine.

Our lips slowly moved in sync for about a minute until we both needed air.

The kiss made me feel like I was on fire, and it was everything I've been missing since we split up.

"I'll walk you back to your place." He whispered. I nodded as he got up, and reached out has hand to help me up.

We walked out of his apartment, and upstairs, then down the hall to mine and Olivia's place.

Ethan wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the forehead.

"Bye, Emma." He whispered. I smiled at him as he waved at me.

"Bye, Ethan."

I unlocked the door to my apartment, and I must've been smiling super widely, because Olivia noticed right away.

"So it went well?" She asked. She was standing in our kitchen.

"I guess. We still have a lot to work through, but things are looking up from here."

"So, where do you guys stand?"

"We're taking things day by day, and we're going to work through our problems."

"So you're back together?"

"I guess, but there's still a lot of work to do."

"I'm glad that you two are making amends." She said. "I'm going to sleep now." She continued, walking towards her room.

"Night, Liv."

"Night, Em."

I smiled to myself and went into my room to take a shower and get ready for sleep.

The last thing I remember before I fell asleep was this.

Ethan: Goodnight 🥰
Emma: Goodnight 😘

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