Chapter 63

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After a long dinner of me stuffing my face to avoid saying something wrong, I found myself the first one to leave the table to head to the car. It had gotten especially awkward when Shawn showed up and didn't realize that a few of us had made up. I think he got the idea after about the first half an hour. 

I had shared a few words with my mother throughout the meal in apology, and with her being my mother, she forgave and forgot quickly. It's usually just the fact that I need to own up to my mistakes that's crucial. Once that's done, she's over it.

I got to the car and tried to open the door, but it was locked. I grunted and turned around to run into Carmina. 

Of course, the only two people in the dark parking lot.

I backed up near the car and just looked at her. She just looked at me.

I felt like I just wanted to slap her after everything last night, even if I am sober now and she seemed to be too.

I was about to blurt any remark I could think of to cut out the nasty quietness, but I was stopped by her trapping me in a hug. After a few awkward seconds I found my arms embracing her in response. 

"Can we just pretend that never happened?" She asked. "You know, last night?" She sounded stressed, but I knew she meant it. 

"You were kind of harsh last night."

"I know I just-"

"No Carmina, I tried looking out for you and you spit in my face."

"I know, okay. And I can't even explain how sorry I am. I didn't have the right to do that to you. You're one of my truest friends and I don't want to lose you after my first party experience."

"Hopefully your last."

She looked at me and pouted her lip. "Please be my Teal I've known and loved forever." 

I looked down and she was handing me a Starbucks giftcard. 

I rolled my eyes at her and smiled. I took the card from her hand and hugged her again. "Fine. You're such a loser."

She perked up and shrugged her shoulders like an excited child. "I know!"

"So what's the plan for tonight?" She asked.

I couldn't just totally put everything that had happened behind me. She was one to try to move on too quickly, and I'm not that type of person. I don't know if anyone really is. "I'm just going to go home and relax. Things are finally settling down and I never get much time when that happens. So I'll just enjoy it while it lasts."

"Hey, I couldn't agree with you more on that one," she unlocked her car which was parked next to our vehicle. 

"Want a ride home?"

"My family's coming out in a few minutes."

She turned around and looked at the doors of the restaurant that were still closed with no sign of the rest of the Chambers family.

"Well," she lifted my hand holding the gift card and wiggled her eyebrows. "We can make a pit stop on our way back." 

I sighed and walked toward her car. "Turn up the heat. It's starting to get chilly."


I laid down on my bed when I got home and sprawled out in sweats and a tshirt. I felt so relaxed, like the tight rubberband inside of me had been unstretched and I was now able to breathe. 

I heard a knock at my door. 

Well, sometimes I get to breathe.

Shawn peeked his head in and smiled shyly. "Hey." 

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