Chapter 43

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JC smiled at me and turned the key in the ignition. "Thanks for joining me."

I knew I was stupid for putting myself in this situation, yet I still hopped in this vehicle with a small quanity of fight left in me. I wanted to know what JC was willing to provide me with. 

We drove down a few streets until we surpassed the clusters of kids walking home from school. "So spill your data." I spoke up.

"Anxious?" JC asked.

"Well of course I am, and you very well know that." I unzipped a pocket in my backpack and grabbed my chapstick. JC side-eyed me as I applied it hastily to my lips.

He stared out of his driver's window as he began. "I'm hoping you've realized by now that there are more groups in existence other than O2L and your petty pals."

I rolled my eyes. "Well I figured, but I never put much thought into it."

"Well," he turned down a side street. I didn't think he knew where he was going, just driving to drive. "Have you ever thought that a third group could be after you?"

"Never even thought about it," I whispered. "Why are you asking this? Do you know about something I don't?" 


I turned my head to look at him. He smiled when he felt my eyes on his face. "Stop looking at me like that, it makes it harder for me to be your enemy."

I looked down at the wheel and then trained my eyes on my knees. "So what does a third group have anything to do with me?"

He chuckled. "You're even clueless to the hints, aren't you?"

I squinted my eyes and scrunched my eyebrows. If I hate anything, it's given the feeling that I'm incompetent. 

JC noticed my irritation and smiled a little. "What if I told you that some people in your group were against you?"

I forced out a rough laugh. "Against me? You're the one telling me that my own gang could be against me?"

He nodded. "I can't belive this is a surprise to you."

We entered an area I'd never seen before. I felt uncomfortable, but the ideas that JC was giving me made me feel more uncomfortable than my surroundings ever could.

"How could they go against me? They've been on my side and have helped me with everything." I thought softly out loud.

"Think of the quiet ones," JC spoke. 

Carmina's quiet, Carter's quiet, Aaron's sort of quiet, Jack is quiet, but none of those people would ever turn against me, or anyone in the group.

"There's no way that any of them could-"

"Shit." JC interrupted. "Jump in the back."

"Why would I-"

"Jump in the fucking back seat, Teal!" He yelled at me. 

Without thinking, I slid between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat to the back of the vehicle.

"Lay down on the floor. The back windows are tinted and no one can see you if you're down low enough."

My heart was racing and my mind was twitching everywhere. For all I know, this could be a kidnapping procedure. 

The car slowed down and pulled to the right side of the road. The car parked. 

"JC, my dude." A male voice spoke outside of the car.

"Hey man." JC spoke. I heard the sound of hands slapping, probably a lame guy handshake. 

"Did you do it?" The voice questioned JC. The voice sounded a lot like the voice of one of the guys that had kidnapped me in a van about a week ago. What was his name?

"I was going to. Couldn't find her though."

"We can't find her either. Just find Nash and you'll find Teal, he has her tied around his finger."

My skin prickled at the sound of my name. JC chuckled. Is he agreeing with the guy?

"Sam, I've got to go. I've got a lot to do." Ah, yes. Sam's his name.

"I know you do. We're relying on you because you're the best at this."

"Bye." JC started the car and pulled back onto the road. He lowered his voice. "Stay down until I say so."

I laid there quietly to myself.

A few twists and turns later, JC spoke up. "Alright, hop up front."

I climbed in the front seat and couldn't hold my anger in anymore. "What the hell was that? What was he talking about?"

"I was supposed to find you and kill you." JC said simply. My heart stopped and I looked at him. He didn't look like he was going to make a move and hurt me. He was a painfully honest person. 


"It's a long story that I don't have time for." I looked out the window and we were almost to my street.

"I think I have a right to know why I was supposed to be murdered." I spat.

JC's eyes stared straight on the road ahead. "Just hear me out, I only have a few moments and quite some information that you need to process."

I swallowed hard and nodded my head nervously.

"Don't trust everyone around you. The people you would least expect to deceive you, will."

"But ho-"

"Don't interrupt me." He cut in fiercly. He went on. "Matt didn't write those notes, don't let them believe that he did it. Things are going to change durastically soon and you need to be aware. Always keep your eyes open and don't let your guard down for anyone or anything."

My heart was racing, and JC's face was pale as he poured the information out of his brain. We turned down my street. "And if you see anyone from O2L, other than me of course, run." 

I felt like my lungs were going to collapse. 

"Now I'm going to pull up a few houses away from your house. The other guys don't know where you live, but I do. Step out of my car and walk quickly to your house. Don't look back, but be careful. And it would be smart to get a ride to school tomorrow." 

We stopped a few houses from my house, like he said we would, and he unlocked the doors. I didn't even realize he had locked them to begin with. 

"Failing to follow any of the instructions I gave you could lead to you not living another day."

The information blurred my eyes and my brain. I managed one more question out of my mouth. "Why didn't you just kill me?"

He licked his lips. "There's more to you than you think, Teal. Don't say I never did anything for you."

I stepped out of the car, and as soon as the door shut, JC zoomed off down the street. Quickly, my feet picked up the pace and walked to my house. I felt paranoid, but I didn't turn around or look back.

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