Chapter 8

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In a natural sense, I figured that Nash would ignore the text and figure that I was being a baby about whatever I was whining about. A helpless girl falling on to her celebrity friend for help. I huddled under my covers with my phone clenched in my hand.

My breathing sped up when he texted me back.

"Wait what? Where are you? What's wrong?"

I felt relieved that he cared, but more panic was in my system than compassion. 

I started typing rapidly into the screen when my fingers accidentally tapped the 'accept' button to a sudden incoming call from Nash. 

I put my phone shakily up to my ear. "Hel-"

"You're home right? I'm on my way there right now." 

I shook my head even though he couldn't see it. "It's too late for you to be coming out here right now, I- it was probably nothing." I lied. I knew it was something. The note, the figure outside, the big, black, suspicous vehicle, it was not an apparition. 

"You're full of crap, Teal." I heard shuffling of the microphone. "I was already driving around to get some food and I'm guessing I'm about halfway between your house and the hotel."

I sniffed and spoke quieter into the phone, realizing that the other girls were sleeping and I was the only one awake. "I thought you were sixteen."

"Yeah," he spoke. "I am."

"So you don't have your license. Who's driving you?"

"Myself," he snorted with a tone that screamed 'duh, obviously'.

I knew he had gotten my address from my papers that I had signed from Bart, so I didn't bother asking. I wiped the sweaty strands of hair from my forehead and let one arm rest over my head. 

"And before you ask, I'm using a bluetooth to talk to you." 

I rolled my eyes. "Just," I paused for a brief moment. "..hurry." I felt powerless and I knew I'd regret it when I woke up in the morning. It's just one of those night feelings that makes you feel comfortable with doing anything and everything. 

"Don't worry babe." The microphone shuffled again. "I'm coming." He hung up the phone and my mind went back to wrestling with the madness occurring in my brain. 

If this was only the start of the troubles of being in Magcon, I don't even want to know what was to come later. 


Half an hour later I heard the gravel of the driveway scratch against tires as a car rolled in. I sprung out of bed and tiptoed down the stairs to my front door. Nash ran out of his car and he lifted me up into a strong hug. 

"I was nervous." He said into my ear.

He set me down and I led him inside. I was surprised of his sudden feelings. He doesn't seem one to be capable of being nice like this.

Going back into my room would only start something if one of the girls woke up, so Nash followed me through the dimly lit hallways to the living room. 

He sat down before I did and laid his legs across the couch. Following that, he grabbed my arm and pulled me down to sit on his lap. 

Mindlessly, I snuggled my head into his chest. And I felt some tears form in my eyes.

He rubbed his hand over my head. "So what happened?" He asked softly, as if something tragic happened regularly, although I shouldn't doubt it.

"Well when I got home, I went right to the shower-" 

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