Chapter 38

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Hayes let his mouth curve into an accidental smirk and then quickly adjusted himself to look as if he had never shown emotion. He flicked his glasses back up to his face and turned to face Kendra.

I looked over at Nicole and she was looking at me with wide eyes. Either she already knew about Hayes or she saw what he had just done to me. 

“Some of you might also know Hayes as Nash’s younger brother.” Kendra smiled at Hayes.

Nash rolled his eyes and slumped in his seat. “You really don’t have to mention that ever again.”

Hayes walked slowly over to Nash’s seat and pressed his hands firmly on the top of the cushioned back. “Now brother, let’s not forget why you’re still alive right now.”

Nash scoffed. “You saved me from being shot by a gang, I’m not going to praise you for the rest of my life.”

The crew stared at the boys’ verbal scuffle. If Hayes really did save Nash’s life, he shouldn’t be treating him Hayes way. This had to be much more than brotherly hate. 

I shook my head and shook my thoughts out along with it. I’m not going to let my nosiness get the best of me. After all, curiosity killed the cat.

Hayes licked his lips, amused, and walked over to Kendra once again. He seemed sort of cocky, but this is only the first time I'm seeing him. I may have it all wrong. 

Bart patted Hayes on the back. "Hayes has done a lot for us and I'm sure he'll do a lot for you girls as well." 

As that sentence was said, the room erupted with several side conversations. 

Hayes looked at Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn blushed. 

He walked over to her and I could hear their conversation. 

"Hi." He smiled.

"Hi." She replied softly. She examined his face and smiled back at him. "May I ask how old you are?"

He chuckled. "I'm thirteen."

I side eyed Kait and saw her eyes grow to the size of baseballs. "Thirteen?" She gasped. "How?"

He realized her accidental compliment and smirked. "Don't ask me."

I stopped eavesdropping when my seat was bumped from the back.

"Hi." Aaron smiled at me. Not exactly who I was expecting, or theoretically hoping for.

"Hey Aaron." I returned the friendly gaze. "What's up?"

"See that girl over there?" He pointed to Nicole.

"You mean, Nicole?" I laughed quietly. "Yes, why?"

Aaron scratched his forearm with his fingertips. "I was wondering if you could help me hook up with her."

"Hook up?" I questioned. "You mean get her to date you?"

"Yeah yeah, that too." His perfectly straightened teeth glimmered down at me. "I don't know who to ask about this but you seem alright." He placed his hands on my shoulders. "Please."

"Just go up to her and ask her." 

He shook his head. "I can't do that." 

"Why not?" I asked. 

He looked as if he was searching every crevice of his brain for the right words to say. "I've messed around with a lot of girls in my life, and it's been fun and all. But she- she's different. I want things to be different." He slid his brown, dangling  locks out of his eyes. "I just don't know how to do it."

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