Chapter 10

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My alarm started booming loudly at 6:00 am and I sluggishly grabbed my clothes and showered. I kept my hair down and scrunched it, because that's what I do whenever I don't feel like living. I put on some quick mascara and some coverup to hide face blemishes from this darn stress. I had a message from Nash as well, what's new?'

"I'm over it all Teal, can we not fight anymore?"

I didn't bother replying, I wasn't sure if he was being sincere or not. You can never tell with him.

I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and my mom was flipping pancakes.

"Goodmorning," I said smoothly.

"Goodmorning dear," My mom croaked.

I walked over to her. "You okay?" She turned to face me and her eyes were red and puffy as if she hadn't slept a wink. "Mom." 

"I'm fine, just couldn't sleep last night." She set two chocolate chip pancakes on a plate and motioned it towards me. I took it from her curiously and sat down at the table next to Nick.

"What's wrong with her?" I whispered.

"Didn't sleep at all last night, she was crying about something, wouldn't mention what." 

I shook my head. She did have a doctor's examinaton yesterday, what if that's what it was about?  I sure hope not. Either way, it wasn't my area to barge in. She'd tell me whatever it was when she felt it was time. 

I swallowed the pancakes practically whole and headed out of the door and to school. 


I got a relatively good parking space today, not too far from the school. I walked out of my car and into my section of the high school.

Sitting in class seemed to be a drag, and it also seemed awkward knowing that I had so much going on beyond these halls while the others focus on relationships and video games. 

"Welcome back!" My teacher, Mrs. Wilby, piped from the front of the room. "I hope you had an awesome day off." 

The class muttered and rolled their eyes.

"But I'd like to introduce you to our new temporary student. Come on in." She motioned her hand towards the door and in walked Taylor Caniff. He looked at the empty seat next to me and slouched in his chair. I smiled at him but he kind of just let his mouth turn up awkwardly in the corners.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"Someone's got to keep an eye on you."

"Not at school." 

"Rules are rules." He picked at his nails and chewed on the end of one. I'd better research these "rules."

Class dragged on, and throughout the whole rest of the day Taylor was in eighty five percent of my classes. When school let out, he followed me to my locker. 

"Care to give me a lift? We changed hotels so we're closer."

"Yeah," I closed my locker. "Sure, come on."

I pressed the trunk button on my car keys and threw my bag inside. Taylor didn't even have books, how is he not seeming suspicious to the teachers and students? Or maybe he is and I'm too blind to notice. I slammed the trunk and sat in the front seat.

"What hotel?" 

"Holiday Inn." 

I nodded and started the car. The radio blared on a 'Today's Hits' station and I quickly shut it off.

"So you started quite a ruckuss last night."

I accidentally jerked my foot on the brake pedal when Taylor said that. "What do you mean?"

He was on his phone and he didn't even bother to look up at me as he scrolled through his Twitter feed.

"Between Nash and Shawn."

"Yeah," I turned the steering wheel down the main street. "What about them?"

Taylor locked his phone and sat up, looking as if he was actually about to engage in conversation. "When Shawn came back to the hotel last night, Nash was just pacing around, steam was practically blowing out of his ears." 

I thought he said he was over it all. 

Taylor continuted. "And right when Shawn walked in, he confronted him and wanted to fight him."

"What?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Shawn told him to calm down and Nash refused. So when Nash threw the first punch in Shawn's direction, Jack came out of no where and decked Nash right in the eye."

"Jack Johnson?" I asked. I couldn't take any of this in.

"Yep, he's more trained than you think."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Nash really needs a smack in the face it seems."

"I guess you could say that. But I guess a black eye will work for now." Taylor said as he went back to his phone.


I dropped Taylor off and headed home. I arrived in the driveway and there was a package on the front doorstep. My parents weren't home so I'd have to get it.

I lugged the large box to the porch swing and noticed that my name was on it. I ran to the kitchen to find scissors and I ran a slit through the tape that ran along the top of the box.

As soon as the box opened I heard a ticking sound. Frantically I tossed the box over the porch railing and into the grass where it exploded in flames and then settled in pieces.

I stared at it in shock and walked nervously down to look at the residue. I picked up a few big chunks of box on the crisped grass and walked up the porch. Under where the box was, I noticed a letter. 

I scurried inside to throw away the pieces then grabbed the envelope. I walked inside, closed the door, and ripped the paper open. The horrific handwriting was the same as the handwriting that was on the note I found on my pillow.

"Special package, for a very special girl. 

Those boys can't keep you safe for long.

And I would tell you to watch your back,

but we're already doing it for you."

Chills ran up my spine and I sunk to the floor against the inside of my front door. An agonizing sob burst out of my throat. I can't take this for long. This can't be an every other day thing, I simply can't handle it. I ran up to my room and curled up in a ball on my bed. I put on some music and blared the world out. Someone could be watching me at this very moment but that thought needed to be pushed out of my mind.

The tears dried on my face and I finally gained enough strength to walk to the bathroom. As I approached the door to the restroom my doorbell rang. 

There is no way I wanted to walk anywhere near that door. I was home alone and after that box incident, I wasn't safe.

Stupidly, I tiptoed down the carpeted steps, carefully and quietly. Slowly, I peeped through the eyehole.

A wash of relief waved over me as I saw Nash's brown hair and his big black eye taking up the majority of the view.

I opened the door and flung my arms around his neck and couldn't help but cry a little.

"Teal," He soothed. "Teal, what happened?"

"The box-the box it opened and then the letter and- I- I don't-" 

He shushed me and rubbed my back during our hug. I had to put aside our unfriendly relations right now because I was honestly scared for my life.

He extended me out arm's length. "Wipe your tears and put your shoes on. You can explain  when we get to the restaurant. It's my turn to take you out."

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