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📍Beverly Hills, California

"Hey" were the words that escaped his mouth, nothing much of it just a smile and a one syllable word, baby steps remember?

To clear the awkward tension, she decided to make the first act toward a fresh start "You're up a little later than usual" Probably not the words Sage should've went with, deeply regretting her actions toward a better future

"You just woke up right? So not normal, it's like 3:30 in the afternoon Jordan" She bounced back from what could've been seen as ploy to get Jordan back but that's not really what she wants.

Just because Sage is single and Jordan is too, it doesn't mean that their future together as couple would be bright. Let's admit it, he'd had his chance and he messed it up, sometimes people are better off as friends than anything ever more. No matter what the heart might want more, the universe has a bigger say than that, or maybe not.

Jordan nodded a little bit too late in her response "Yeah, Danny took me to a party last night at UCLA- crazy dudes"

Sage nodded hearing of this story before, Danny took Darnell, Spencer and Jordan along with him to celebrate their possible recruits to UCLA, kind of a tough call for the two quarterbacks- being a backup quarterback isn't the best feel either.  Danny had asked Sage to come along with them last night but she'd had plans in pranking her sister Suede with her boyfriend Parker, that he crashed her car in the backyard, tearing the whole fence down but little did she know they were renovating the house to change the wooden fences with something much more durable. Suede was pissed and in tears, was heavily angry at the two for several hours up until Sage had offered her a peace offering of food and love

Sage was at the Baker residence to meet up with Laura, not Olivia, or Jordan and definitely not Billy Baker. Sage had been sent to drop off a few things for Laura, some sort of care package for Sapphire's upcoming album. She's throwing a release party and she'd normally have care packages sent out but when it comes to Laura Baker, her best friend in their cheer days- everything is personally given and maybe even sometimes she gets the better portions of the packages that Sapphire would send out.

"How have you been?" Jordan asked, hearing that Sage and Isiah had broken up not too long ago, Sage shrugged "I'm alright, I've got  school to get my head in the game.  Suede dyed her hair pastel pink- not a wig.  It's a phase because Parker and I pranked her"

"Oh yeah she told me about that, she was pissed" Jordan had unleashed what might've been a hidden secret to Sage's sister Suede, out of the many guys that Sage had dated Jordan was by far the best one and Isaiah would've beat him to that spot if they hadn't broken up about distance and focusing on their selves, Suede says it's a lie.

Sage unaware of their back and forth messaging, pretended as if she actually knew "She could never even take a prank, instead of making us feel embarrassed she's making herself look bad" The conversation between the two went on, in the moment, forgetting the many brawls and hateful words were ever exchanged. It was a moment of peace and possibly an act of forgiveness coming from Sage herself. 

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting" Laura fixed herself up a little bit, she had just finished a facetime meeting  with one of her clients, being district attorney is a lot to take on, you'll have meetings everyday even on your off days but if you knew Laura Baker the way the Carter's did, she makes everything work

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