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n a r r a t o r
📍southern california

The sun was out, and it was a nice crispy fall Wednesday in the cities of Southern California, the home of the hot and never the cold. Things were up and coming or in other circumstances some were falling- apart? Together? It all means the same thing because- In order to grow you need to fall apart first.

In the Beverly Hills household of the Baker's; where things were still full of tension yet love was their known language, Jordan is still on edge with Sage 'choosing wrong' but he's been trying to mend things by being accepting and focusing on himself because he knew Sage Carter was right about him. Jordan needed to be independent and to love himself first. Meanwhile Olivia is the only person in the household who's living a better, normal - drama free life aside from the rise of worry that fill her mind once in awhile on how Asher's really doing. Yeah sure he says he's doing just fine but words mean nothing if you turn your head like you're hiding something. Skeletons usually come out of its closet.

"Hey kids" Laura came from the second floor of their modernized household, in front of her sat Jordan and Billy whom she loves but hates the most in this moment.

"Hey mom" Olivia peeped through the kitchen, a real smile popped on her face and Laura felt real happiness, after a long while.

She pat Jordan on the shoulders and gave a nod toward Billy who did the same, as she headed toward Olivia to give her a kiss goodbye, things take a turn when you become elected District Attorney - everyone's calling for you. Laura and Billy are still on a continuous streak of ignoring each other and I get it- you get cheated on years before and you only find out about it years after, the wound is going to be open for a little while but you can't resolve things without talking things through and it's been a couple weeks already. You heal when you heal or you just don't, that depends on you.

The house, still quiet but even more because Jordan can only forgive one person at a time and his dad is at the bottom of that list, although Olivia forgives everyone all because she wants a family, she wants things to turn out like it was before but we all know that's impossible since the separation is on the move.

"What are we doing tonight?" Billy turned off the t.v and wanted to make up for the domino effect of pain he'd caused his children.

Olivia and Jordan looked at each other, there wasn't a chance Jordan's going to share his plans for the day with his cheating father, though it's kind of funny because like father like son or as Sage once said- art imitates art. Olivia sighed finally giving in and yet taking another one for the twin "Leila and I are going to the movies"

"No Sage?"

Jordan sunk a little bit lower at the sound of her name "She has Paxie's football game against Long Beach, plus she's a cheerleader and she's got other plans tonight anyways, we've got weekend plans already" Olivia was diverting her attention towards Leila, Sage and her are perfectly fine- Olivia just feels like she should keep it even between her two best friends so it doesn't seem like she were playing favorites.

"Well, Jordan" Billy, hands on his hips asked his son- tilted his head insisting he'd answer his father. Jordan shrugged "Probably going to stay home or work out I don't know yet let's see if JJ or Asher want to pull me to some party" He left and faked a smile

Forgiveness is a tough thing to do especially if you've been basically lied to most of your life. Billy barely moved back in after countless days of sleeping on his dad's couch- he wanted to be the father he should've been to his kids when all his life he'd been focusing on his NFL career rather on his family. This house is taking things slowly, baby steps.

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