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"Why weren't you at practice today? Dad called and asked me to point you out on the field but you were MIA" I leaned onto the counter as my brother sat in the living room, binge watching a random Netflix show.

Paxton gave me an annoyed face, what's that supposed to be about? I walked toward him, turned off the tv and crossed my arms at him- he might be older than me but in this house you do not disrespect women or give me attitude.

"I asked you a question didn't I?" He just looked at me "Sometimes no answer is an answer, take the hint smartass" He ripped the remote control out of my hand and turned the tv back on as if that was his favorite show I turned off.

"Whoever went up your ass for sure didn't know what they were doing, next time I talk to you make sure you know who you're talking to" I stood, hovering over my brother, "Check yourself before I put your ass in your place Paxton because I am not to be fucked with. Don't act like you don't know who I am." I jogged toward my room, getting ready for tonights game, I'm picking up Olivia and Leila to keep me company and to- just in case, watch my back in any given emergencies.. 

I put on a black cropped puffer jacket with a white cropped shirt that said Hey Sugar, black jeans with rips to the knees and a pair of brand new all white Yeezys I received in the mail after I preordered it a month ago! I'm a little nervous.

"You look you so worried?" Leila in the back seat figuring out her next move as she continues to try and take things slow with Spencer

My hand on the steering wheel, I looked at the both of them while the red light shined on our faces "Jordan. Darnell. Suede said something about a love triangle and, maybe it was a thing? I don't know but, I'm more worried about Jordan-" I was cut off by the literal other half of Jordan "Sage, you do remember my twin brother left you for a temporary smackdown right? I love Jordan and you two getting along and all but you have to remember your worth. Maybe Jordan changed, maybe you guys are better off as friends- I don't know but, you have to start worrying about yourself more than others, I mean I was in rehab." Maybe Liv is right, maybe it isn't even that bad and I'm just overthinking everything as usual.

Leila unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned forward, all our faces side by side "But I know that Darnell has a thing for you, Spencer didn't tell me- it's way too obvious I mean, really the game?" Leila hopped out the car and waited for that to settle in

Either way I'm fucked but I shouldn't even care about what another man is feeling, if you had the chance to let me know how you feel you should've taken that opportunity. I basically mislead the guy! If Suede were here she'd say that I'm going to hell for playing two guys at once to only get with a college athlete I hooked up with last summer. But maybe my sister is just stirring the pot and wanting to drive me crazy, wanting me to have a love life after being boring for quite sometime. Why am I even worrying about this?

"Oh, there they are- now don't try to worry too much" she walked toward Spencer to give him a hug

I didn't know who I'd go hug first- Jordan or Darnell?

"JJ!" I made the choice and just waved and smiled at the two guys, they know JJ and I go way back into partying and hooking each other up with any person in the party we found eligible for us- we possess the frat- sorority lifestyle.

To Be Announced ⟡ All AmericanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant