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"Yo I just want to-"

My eyes, staring blankly and emotionless as Jordan, for the third time this week- begged to speak to me.  No one was home but me and the pool people who do their weekly thing. Suede is at Stanford with her boyfriend, Dawson is at  basketball camp in Stanford with Suede, Paxton is with mom and dad doing the  college tour. I like this peace and quiet, or so I did before I can spot Jordan through our window at an unreasonable time.

"Are you kidding me Jordan? Do you want to get a harassment lawsuit from a damn pool  company?" I shut the door behind me, one hand pushed him backward  as I apologized to one of the pool people who'd answered the door

His face says it all, he's in despair and wanting answers- well sweetie sometimes no answer is an answer. Wise words I so kindly borrowed from my lovely brother.

"Look, I just want to know" He paused with a sigh of a broken heart "Why'd you lead me on?"

I laughed "Lead YOU on? I simply just told you if you want to get anywhere in life you'd have to make changes and oh you did but wait you did it for me?" I stopped shaking my hands side to side in front of him

"You're going to have to learn how to love yourself Jordan,  if you can't love yourself you won't be able to love anyone else and that's a fact. Don't be doin' shit because of me, do it for you. Now I have to pick up Olivia, we've got things to do" I pat his chest and clicked my car open.

I stood there, Jordan stared back at me with his mouth open wide as if I said something stupid.

"Feel free to leave whenever, don't wait up though" I got in, he's just standing there in complete despair and part of me can't help but feel guilty because maybe I did cause all of this or maybe I'm just being sympathetic like I usually am.

I shrugged before backing out the driveway. I don't owe anyone an apology, or for how the way I am. Jordan cleaned up his act but he did it all for the wrong reasons. He needs to learn how to be independent and learn that being alone is okay too. Boys act like being single is the worst thing to ever happen to them, it's like they've been cursed or something. I mean the last time Jordan was single, he had a lot of fun while I cried my ass to sleep for what he put me through and if I learned to be friends with him after the pain he'd put me through, Jordan should be thankful I haven't revoked his privileges as my newfound friend- again.

"That was painful" I spoke under my breath as I made a slight right turn towards the exit of Beverly Hills

"Heeeeyy" Olivia excitedly opened the door, greeting me with a hug and a cupcake she baked with her mom last night

"Why the long face?" She still had that smile on her face, I haven't told her that her brother has been showing up at my house asking for an explanation instead of saying 'I'm happy for you'

"Uhm" I cleared my throat "Oh, did you and Isaiah break up?" I shook my head and pressed on the gas the second the light had turned green

"Jordan, he- he's been showing up at the house" I looked over at Olivia for a split second and she already knew the troubles her twin has been going through to put me in a tough situation

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