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"Did you hear?" Darnell repeated the words that escaped both of my brother's mouths, it's as if having two boys in the house not agree with me was tough, Darnell just had to be the third. We made up, our little quarrel is out and in the past, though Kia still doesn't like my whole existence despite the fact that Darnell and I are just friends who are family and the biggest factor that they aren't even dating anymore. Of course none of it bothers me, not everyone in this world has to like me, their taste in people just isn't the best.

I rolled my eyes at the sound of the boys giggling and their hands landing on each other's chests as they playfully punch one another. Boys and men in general will forever be childish at something or everything. I grabbed my phone and headed out toward the backyard where Olivia was, we're having what's supposed to be a relaxing day by the pool but my brothers always find a way to interrupt that by inviting practically everyone of their mutuals to come hang out. Though, they're our friends too, we need some time away from the boys after seeing them one too many times in a day. Too many boys is like a volcano waiting to erupt.

"Look, my two favorite girls"

"Jordan we both know that's not true, Sage is the your only favorite girl" Liv chugged the remaining orange juice that was left on the glass, while I'm on my second glass

I felt him pop a smile, hearing him let out a small chuckle "False, mom's the first but you're right once again Liv"

If I weren't wearing sunglasses right now, you'd see my eyes roll all the way to the back of my head. Good one Jordan Baker.

"God just date already, I can feel the connection from across town. The connection is so strong it can help energize a whole third world country "

"That's what I said, minus the whole energizing thing... " Layla taking the biggest sip of her Guava mimosa as her eyes wandered back at Jordan and I. Both of my shoulders rising up and dropping back down

I laughed at how much of an instigator my friends are, stringing Jordan on and as if that wasn't enough they're dragging me along with them. Of course these are just fun and games, you know how friends are, you guys become civilized great friends and suddenly it's a whole 'you should get back together' thing and sometimes we're better off as friends because maybe, just maybe that's where it went wrong.

"What's so funny about that?" Jordan looking truly confused and maybe even slightly offended

Both Layla and Liv gave each other a look before they synchronously replied "Because she knows it's true" and then I laughed even harder, raising my glass up in the air before chugging the orange juice like it was alcohol. Still sober for Liv.

Jordan looked at me and back at his sister then at Layla and back at me once more, looking for confirmation as if I'm just giving those out for free. "Oh yeah and while we're at it I actually gained 7 pounds" I nodded, eyes narrowing into Jordan's eyes. How do you play a game and not lose? Simple, don't give it to them easy by giving an answer they can easily check for, give them an answer they'll have a hard time trying to prove.

"She's doing the thing" The twins know me too well and still don't know how to beat me at my own game, my poker face is a class act it deserves an Oscar, and maybe even an Emmy. Sometimes it's not even a game, sometimes you're just going with the flow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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