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"You ready for this?" My brother Dawson looked up at him, the two nearly the same height

It's going to be Darnell's first day in Bel Air and honestly I don't know how this will turn which could turn out to be how Spencer's first day went- people talk and I just so happen to listen...

Paxie was already late, he did his morning workout today trying to put in time for the next game in which he can't disappoint dad in any way. My phone vibrated twice, I annoyingly pulled it out of my pocket as the two boys looked at me as if I'm already having a bad day

"I'll see you guys around"

J. Baker

You busy later?
I need to talk to you. Urgent
{ Sure }
Pick you up after practice?
{ nothing's changed Baker }

I don't know what it's about and as much as I don't want to see ever, there are a bunch of people who root for a Baker- Carter world peace. Also, I'll always be here for him, or anyone in general if they needed someone to talk to, or at least I try my best to be. 

"You alright?" Darnell nudged, Dawson had just jogged toward his group of friends.

I smiled "Jordan wants to talk, I don't know why but it sounds important for him to be hitting me up when he knows how I feel about him- absolutely nothing."  Darnell laughed at the sound of that and I just can't help but wonder why Jordan is hitting me up out of the blue.

It's lunch time and Darnell surprisingly isn't hanging out with me but with Paxton .... Took him into his ballers circle full of basketball, football, lacrosse, and hockey players. Then there's me who sits on the steps with her friends which is a mix of athletes and non athletes. I feel like it's just a guy thing to be hanging around fellow athletes. 

"So he's the new QB?" Avyna questioned, staring at him from head to toe, I laughed "That's still in the works. Paxie's bff Jaxon Austin, the ultimate cutie of the school is still the QB but it depends on if he will make grades this sem because I heard he went from all A's to all C's in a matter of a year" I paused giving my best friends the inner circle gossip, Adeena returned a look "It's his new bitch I been gettin bad looks from when we're at the shop" She pointed her finger at me

I shook my head "Pops is back in jail for coke while the mother filed for divorce and got a new boyfriend named Asby Chadwick- top of the realtor food chain... I feel bad for him honestly, he can't lose this spot" I thought to myself "Paxie's playing the big role, Darnell might be back up QB, I don't know to be honest- him and my dad and Paxie have their own shit going on that I so happen to not be in the loop of" I fiddled with my pen and continued to finish tomorrow's homework.

The boys are at practice and Suede is at a tournament for volleyball up in Oregon that's why our parents flew out last night to watch her, looks like my dear brother Paxton is going to take advantage of that and throw a party! I drove up to meet Jordan at the museum we always would go to, odd choice but since it's Tuesday it's free entrance fee for all students of the county.

We walked side by side, no words came out of his mouth. He looked so nervous, but all I really need right now is an explanation because if I don't get one, I'll start to freak out, "J" I looked at him worried and slightly bothered

To Be Announced ⟡ All AmericanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin