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I had just finished up getting ready for the day, who knows where my people will drag me today. As I was making my way down the stairs I heard big deep voices and really loud laughters

"Oh" I said to myself as I saw my dad and all of my brothers laughing around Darnell, it's literally 10am, what's all the laughing for? It's the reason why I woke up early today because I was disturbed

"Oh hey" They all took a pause and gave me friendly smiles

My dad came forward and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the forehead "I had Boogie pick Darnell up this morning for a meeting, I'm taking the boys out to brunch you want to join?" Boogie is my dad's head security guard, his first and favorite- he 's been with us since my dad started his football career and ended it! Greatest guy, we've spent so many holidays together already!

I smiled "Sure, I'd love to"

"Great! It's a family brunch" My mom came down the stairs with her heels in her hands

So I was the only one left in the dark about this whole brunch thing huh? What if I had an important meeting or something? Highly unlikely but you get what I mean. I did a little quick change to match my mom's energy, I can't be walking out all casual while everybody else is all dressed up and I'm here in shorts and vans.

"Alright you kids in one car while your mom and I are in the other"

Suede anchored onto our mother's arms, she's been like this ever since she broke up with her boyfriend- cuddling with mom and spending time with dad at the gym. Boyfriends- not my move right now, currently angry at the past! Screw you Jordan Baker!

"I'm coming with you guys" She's so old yet she wants to be babied, annoying.

I sat in the back with Darnell, that space in between us "Goodmorning" He smiled at me as I let out a tiny laugh "Yeah it was 8 when you guys woke me up" I stared at all the boys

"I wouldn't dare bother make a noise around you SaySay" My head bodyguard whom I've had since I was little and grew a great attachment on the passenger side of the car said looking at the rear view mirror

"Thank you Big Yank" He's the one I go to about stupid problems I couldn't go to anyone with when it comes to embarrassment and fights and other things. I take him almost everywhere with me; shopping, vacations, eating out, he's on a golf cart while I jog, works out with me on occasions and even watches movies with me when everyone has watched it already. He's my extended family and we're his only.

"Anything for you, YOUR royal highness" He joked

"Very funny"

On the way there, the boys couldn't keep quiet and I always love peace and quiet and a little nap no matter how close the destination is- I like to close my eyes and sleep for a little even if it's for five minutes. Gotta get your hours in!

"You guys do these brunches often?" Darnell had his hand it out to help me get down the car

"Once in a blue moon, if we're all complete then of course but the busy schedules just don't work most times" We walked together, then there came the paparazzi that always followed my parents and then of course us too, I wonder what's this weeks latest scoop will be for the Carter's

We all sat in a private suite, menu's blocking our faces. Darnell leaned in, struggling to have a choice

"What's the least expensive?"
I giggled at those words, I like the thought

"Just get what I get, trust me."

"Are you guys ready to order?" A tall thin white man hovered over the table with his tablet in hand with the number eight on the back

"Two brunch deluxe please and make it french toast"  I worded, he's new to this and I get he has the biggest respect and wants to get the cheapest but those things usually never taste well

"Strawberry lemonade all around as usual?" The  guy who'd usually serve us came in with a tray full of them

"Everybody say thank you Lasko" My dad encouraged

"Thank you Lasko"

These family brunches always come with one of two things- 1. big family news
2. special occasions followed by a big surprise.
So all of this will come a surprise, I don't know yet because I'm left under the wing without a know in anything let alone why Darnell was at my house early in the morning!

"So Darnell what do you say?" I'm guessing there's some proposal that was made that I obviously was not given a heads up with so don't mind my confused look on my face

We all had eyes toward him "Mhm, of course, I'll take it"

I looked at everyone asking for an answer "Oh sorry sweetie" My dad apologized

"Darnell will be training with your brothers and father, and he mentioned that you wanted to help him with the benefits he'll be getting from his mother in Germany" My mother paused as she gave me a smile, still lost

"We contacted his mother and the bureau, he is going to be living in his own apartment a few blocks from us and is now your new classmate!"

She said what now? I'm glad for all of this but damn I wanted to be the one to pull all the strings and help him out but of course my parents always want to interfere and act as if I can't do it all on my own.

"Oh my gosh that's really great news! Looks like you're going to be part of the Bel Air Bitches then huh" I nudged jokingly as the whole table laughed at the joke

We're called the Bel Air Snobs or Bel Air Bitches, with the status of our parents and the big numbers in the bank account of course our school will have a shit nick name like that in all of Los Angeles.

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