Chapter twenty five- Forgiveness

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Hi my dearest readers,

this is the next upload. I hope that I will be able to upload on a weekly basis but I can't promise. Now please leave me a comment and vote if you like it.

Love you all



 Chapter twenty five




“Will you ever forgive me” We whispered at the same time.

Surprised we both smiled and nodded. The magic of the moment took over and our foreheads touched. My hands were trembling, but I wanted to feel her hair, her back. So slowly I held her tighter to me and when our noses touched, our lips searching for the other the door opened.

We both looked surprised and a bit caught in the act to the door. There was our little one grinning at us. “Momma, Daddy!” He screamed running towards us. Both of us bend down and we hugged him as soon as he smashed his body against ours.

“I  am so happy.” He murmured and then sighed. “I have waited four years to see that happen and now everything is fine again.”

“Yes Heru, everything will be fine.” Bella said kissing his forhead. Slowly we got up and Bella was carrying my sweet innocent little me.

“Thank you Bella” I said placing my hand on her back. She turned surprised to me.

“Why? I was the one, who ran away instead of fighting for us!” She replied putting Heru back on his feet.

This was my Bella trying to take all the blame on her instead of giving herself some credit.

“Bella, I was the one who did wrong. I should have talked to you. I should have known, that you had much more to struggle. You gave birth! I did nothing to help, just sharing the pain and then to have my issues with the pain. It is totally my fault. I am taking all responsibilities for the four years!”

“Don’t you dare Edward Anthony Mason Cullen! Taking all the responsibility by your own. It was mine too!” She said through gritted teeth, flames of anger shining in her eyes.

Dear Universe. How I missed those passionate fights, how much I have missed those eyes, the love she is giving…

A little chuckle brought me back into the situation away from the fantasy I had.

“What is so funny Heru?” I asked wondering why he was holding his mouth shut supporting his mouth with his little sweet hands.

“What… is… so… funny? Heru?” Bella questioned litterally disturbed by the chuckle.

Suddenly he burst out laughing so hard, tears were rolling down his cheeks and then he said trying to hold himself together. “You both are so childish! With one difference usually the people blame each other but you blame yourselves”

This did it we looked at each other and our smile turned into a huge grin. “He is so brilliant for his age. Do you know this was all his plan?” I whispered into her ear.

“What?” Bella was nearly bursting but within seconds her eyes became soft again. She bent down to Heru and whispered into his ear “So this was your plan?”

He simply nodded and grinned. She turned to me, smiled and said “Like father, like son!”

“Ouch” I pouted making the situation for Heru harder. He was laughing so hard now that all my family members where standing at the door looking at us.

“Heru calm down otherwise you cannot stop” Esme tried to calm him. “You should leave your parents alone for a minute they haven’t seen each other for a long time and they need some privacy” Carlisle said with a wink.

Heru smart as he is got it, grinned and said “Ok but I want you both first for myself and then you can go for bringing my sister”

Bella and I were both shocked. He just smirked turned around and then high fived Emmett who did wink at me mouthing enjoy. Like I want to enjoy the first time after seperation here with them downstairs… I growled.

And within a minute we were all alone and I was holding her in my arms. My tension was relaxing, my breathing became soft and light. Bellas scent filled my nose, my body, my soul. She relaxed into my arms and we both enjoyed the silence we shared. I heard nothing. Not my family, not the traffic, not the sirens of this busy city. All mattered was Bella and she was in my arms. My arms!

Bella was slowly making -with her Fingers- trails on my back. My mind was racing, my body was reacting. It was all hers if she wanted me….But my brain kicked in.

“No Bella. I want this to be something special. Something as special as when we conceived Heru. I don’t know what will happen or if we ever gonna have another child but please let us go slowly. Ok?” I whispered. My lips found hers begging for entrance which she allowed and both of our tongues we dancing a passionate tango.

Breathing heavily she broke the kiss, looked me deeply in the eye and said “this is fine with me! I never wanted anyone else than you. We waited 2000 years, four years and waiting some weeks will be totally fine with me”

“Bella?” I whispered breathing in her soothing scent. “Yes, Edward?” She replied giving me a genuine happy smile.

“What are we going to do? Where do you want to live? We moved here because we were looking for you but still is this the place you want to live?”

“I don’t know?! This is not mine to answer alone. This should be put on discussion for the whole family. Since the Neighbours in Harlem know that I am a Widdow this will not be a good option right?!” She wondered making circles with her finger in her hair. Oh her lovely long black curly hair… Focus Edward! Focus! My inner voice was telling me.

“I think you are right! We should discuss this with the family since Carlisle has the work he got here too.”

Joy filled me and made me feel lighter as a feather in the wind. This was my chance. Our chance. I was sure that the whole family would support me to be reunited with Bella. I was double sure. This made me even happier and all my emotion led me to move even closer to her.

Sirius- continuation of a different twilight saga (sequel of Aurora)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin