Chapter twenty one- mea culpa

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Hey sweathearts,

I am sorry. I am doing a lot of overtime lately and the renovating is taking a lot of energy but I am trying my best. I had the impression that the last chapters were not good, cause i got only a few comments or non at all. To be honest this made me really sad. I need to think about that...

Lots of love



Chapter twenty one

Mea Culpa ( latin for my mistake)


I had survived the exams and got the Holidays to have fun with my little one for the first time in two years.

Right now I was packing Herus little packpack with some his toys for the park. We were going the central park. Heru demanded to go there but not the usual spot were we used to go no! Mr. Cullen asked for a special place but who am I to not fulfill his wish. Isn’t he my sunshine?! Sure.

“Momma, did you pack the Lion mom and the babys?”

“yes. Heru. Are you really sure that you want to have them? I mean we will have other options than to play with them!” I replied.

“I know momma but they are from my family and I want nothing more in the world than that they could be with me at that time.” He answered with those huge beautiful emerald green eyes piercing through me..

Oh my he is more and more becoming his father , I thought.

“ok. Are you ready Heru?” I asked.

“Yes mom. I have waited soo long for this!” He answered.

Wow. Was I so busy. Have I been no good mother before?

I took his little hands in mine and went downstairs. We got out of the house when I locked the door behind me I heard the voice of Mrs. Abraham. She was one of the old ladies of our little neighbourhood. She was a kind human with a great heart. She had the most interesting aura.

“Bella, my dear! How you doing?”

“Oh Mrs. Abraham. Thank you everything is fine and how are you doing?” I replied with a happy smile on my face.

“Bella, look how much Heru has been grown lately. He is so handsome. I assume that his Daddy was a tall and handsome man?”

“Uh. Yes, indeed. Uh, Edward was a very handsome man” I said whilst remembering him and how we met first, a flashback of our first fight and my declaration of love crossed my mind.

“Well, hun. I have a feeling that everything will b good at the time. Don’t give up on love. It is so sad that he passed away. I can feel your love for him. It is still so strong. Keep that. It is a treasure. You will never love another person like your first big love”

“Uh. Thanks Mrs. Abraham, I am sorry we have to go. We are going to the park. Goodbye”

“Goodbye!” She replied.

On our way to the park. Heru and I had our usual silent conversation. It was about random things like what we would do the next days and that he was so locking forward to next week. To have so much time we me.



This was the day Heru had told me to gather the family on the roof of our house. So I had told them yesterday that I was planning something for them and they had to be here on time. Was I nervous heck yes! I didn’t know what he had planned but I assumed that he planned to pass our house with Bella or something. As I promised Felicitas I did not interfere, I did not ask for the why? So we were standing here and looking down to the street when Rose interrupte my thoughts.

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