Chapter seven- Waiting for him

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Hey guys! I am sorry. I have had major issues writing this chapter. I deleted it 3 times and restarted it. I don't know what got into maybe stress at work. I don't know. Though I hope you will like it.

The next one will be better I promise.

Enjoy and as allways please leave a comment, vote or/ and fan!




Waiting for him


After the dramatic events of the fight and surviving it with the whole family Carlisle and Edward went mad. Sure they knew that we survived because of our child  but still they were trying to convince me to rest! I mean common sure I am pregnant and yes I finished my internship as requested by Carlisle but still everyone still survived and wasn’t that the most important thing?

Six weeks had passed by and still I was waiting for our some to come out of me. Actually I was the only one who got annoyed by it. The family seemed to enjoy every second of my pregnancy. Not to mention the excitement of my parents…

Well I have to say that they were and actually are mad. They went crazy after the explosion and even Charlie tried to convince me to stay at home for ever since the outworld is dangerous and he didn’t want me to go out alone any more.

I have to do something my mind yelled at me. No actually screamed from getting bored. You know living in a household with vampires and an over caring mother like Esme would drive anyone insane. Everything and literally everone was waiting for the birth of our son.

Our son. Why didn’t we ever name him. May be Edward was scared. I mean we were never practically alone in our lives and soon enough we would be a family of our own. He would be responsible for another life… On the other side he was so proud of our son that he helped us during the fight but still was this everything.  My mood swings killed not just the others but I  myself hated them…It is just one cruel things to know you are not right but your heart tells you you are. How did I treat Edward lately?

Not good I knew it. He tried to comfort me every time he felt I was miserable. He felt the pain when my stomach was hurt. I assume that if something like us happens to vampires the mates feel the pain of everything they share…So Edward was sharing this pregnancy with me.

When I felt pain he felt it. When I wanted to cry he cried with me.. Well he actually did have the mood swings too… But I think this was something special.

Carlisle dedicated his free time to write and document every progress every half inch of my stomach, every single change in the mood. Since he found out that Edward and I were connected and shared the whole pregnancy he documented how the pain I felt influenced Edwards. But the real funny thing was when Edward did feel “shared” something it became less horrible for me. Like we shared one huge pain and split it in half…

I was totally thinking of this bound which seemed physical as well as mentally to us  when Edward entered our living room.

He smiled at me. Pride filled him when he saw me lying there on our couch with this huge cargo in my belly.

He ran towards me fell on his knees and kissed my belly than me.

“How do you feel Bella?” He asked in concern.

“Huh? What do you mean? I mean I feel great this is just one huge fun isn’t it?” I said my voice filled with sarcasm.

“Oh we are sarcastic again, aren’t we. Do you think seeing you in this misery is fun?”

“So you are having mood swings too, aren’t you!” I yelled at him now.

This was neither good nor bad. Good cause we were arguing for the very first time for real or bad cause we both knew this was because of the mood swings…

“I am going to take a shower now and when I come back we will talk like adults again?OK?” He said looking at me.

“like adults again? OK?” I mimicked him…this was too much for me. I needed to get out of here. To get out of this.

When Edward went into the bathroom I got up. Took my purse and grabbed the car keys. Yes this was definitly a plan. I took the baby bag just in case.

I closed the door of the balcony behind me trying to be quiet. Now baby you should help me to get some lone time with you to think about us. Would you help me please? I thought to myself. Than I felt a light kick in my stomach.

Good boy. You are definitly a momas boy.

I grabbed my purse and keys in my right hand and hold my belly with the left one and than did it…

The impact was not as bad as I thought. Just in time before I touched the ground a huge pink bubble surrounded me.

This boy likes pink! I thought. Huh this is why I had the Vision of the pink bedroom. I am going to paint it pink after giving birth! No matter what Edward would say. Pink is just his colour…

I ran towards the garage and maneuvered myself with this belly into Edwards Volvo. The engine purred and I was out of the garage speeding towards the highway…


Great! Bella was in another one of her terrible mood swings. I can not handle these anymore. Too much pain filled me. I was washing my hair when I felt my knees becoming week for a second.

Huh, weird what was that. I thought to myself. I enjoyed the silence and the hot water on my muscles. Wait Silence? What the heck? Were was Bella.

I ran out of the shower leaving huge water drops on every inch of our floor.

She was not in the bedroom, neither in the living room nor the babys… I ran to the dressing room. No Bella! Then I heard my mobile vibrate on the table…

Edward Bellas gone! We have to look for her. The Baby will come soon! I am already on the way with Jasper. Alice

Oh NO! Why and where was Bella. I scanned the room in a second to see that neither Bellas purse nor the Baby bag was here anymore.

I threw a shirt on my wet torso and just put a jeans on. Who needs underwear anyway I thought to myself…Worried filled me when I ran downstairs.


Even it was hard to drive, this helped me to clear my mind. I needed to get out of forks for a while. But where should I go? I was huge and my baby would be soon on his way.

I stopped at the too familiar path of ours.

My goal was “the meadow”.

I took my purse and tightened my jacket a bit.  Walking or more running in Vampire speed to the meadow was hard but still I enjoyed it. A light giggle left my mouth… I stopped where for the first time Isis announced that no one would harm her Osiris. I sat on the ground touched the soil and for the very first time for a long time I felt connect again to myself. I was just myself again. Not a wife, not a future mom, just Bella or more Isis.

I laid down resting my head on the purse when I thought about names which would suit him.

He was strong, too strong already. He was definitly an Ike Heru. The one who is laughing and is far away… What a great name for him.

I was wrapped in my mind when I felt a sharp pain that went through my whole torso like something was trying to split me in half! Wow. So this was it…I would be giving birth soon.

When I realised what was going on I couldn’t drive home anymore. My Baby was coming and I wasn’t even home! No I was just mad and had to get out without leaving a note… For the first time allthough I trusted the universe I felt afraid no more scared actually.

I layed there tried to relax and breath and to dial Edwards mobile.

It was ringing.

“Bella. Where the hell are you. My whole body hurts are you ok?” He yelled his voice filled with worry.

“Edward the baby is com…meadow..” I whispered, feeling weaker and than I passed out… 

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