chapter six: the three magical spells

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 Hey lovelies,

I am just so happy I read one of the best stories this week and so I am in the giving mood. Here you go it is the next chapter! I hope you will vote comment or fan if you like it of course no pressure at all.

I love you all for reading my crazy stuff. And in memoriam of Aurora! I apologize for all the spelling and grammar mistakes which are in this chapter...

Thanks morgana0704


Chapter six


I was ending my shift. When I felt a sharp pain in my heart. My heart? What was it. It was so painful that I closed my eyes for a second and then it hit me.



I knew it. The peace of the last weeks were just a sign. As beeing in the eye of a storm. My thoughts raced through my head and automatically I started to run.

Why in hell did hospitals need so long hallways. I couldn’t show my vampire speed so I had to run in human speed and this meant loosing precious time. There it was the long awaited door. Exit was written on it…


Today  Bella had to work in the oncology department. Carlisle did arrange that. I didn’t know why but it seems Alice had some influence on that. Yesterday when Bella was out with Rose for shopping baby stuff Alice and I had a long talk…


“Edward. I know this is going to be hard but the family is ready. We have to protect Bella and the baby.” She said looking down to her feet and playing nervously with the ends of her pixie hair.

“Why Alice? Why?” I couldn’t understand it. Why was this going to happen anyway.

“Edward. You know it is all an examination of the universe to unite us. To bring all our olds back. You at least should know!” She shouted back.

“Ok. But how do you think we could handle this without Bella?” I looked straight into her golden eyes. I wanted answers and I wanted them right now.

“Would you listen if I explain and don’t interrupt?” She asked whispering.

I nodded.

“The fight is near. We have to hide this fact from Bella. She doesn’t have to be around the ward in which you will work with carlisle tomorrow. We are all prepared and we will protect her and the baby. I will die if I have to!” She said sincere and honest.

The door flung open. Carlisle, Emmett, Esme followed by Jasper entered our living room - compared to the family living room it was tiny- but still huge for most flats.

They all took seats or leaned against the wall.

“Edward. We are ready! We will not die. I know it. We have... will survive and Bella as well as the baby will survive!” Carlisle said smiling.

Esme got up and hugged me. I let her. She did comfort me after all. This was my real family. They were ready to die for me, my wife and my baby…

Flashback end---

I was called from Carlisle to assist during the last part of todays shift. I was nervous but didn’t know why.

After preparing the room after each patient. That meant changing the sheets, utensils and so on. I took out my vibrating phone.

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