A Peak At Scenery|Hive Knight x Bee Princesses Reader

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Hello guys hope you enjoy, this one will be longer then the last one definitely. Hope the pictures will start working. I hope it's not an inconvenience, let's get into this! Here is your key:

Y/N= Your Name

That's it, hope you all enjoy!

(Sorry for the wait guys...)

Hive Knight's POV

"Greetings my Queen how may I assist you today?" I bow with my weapon in the ground.

"Hello my knight, I wish for you to accompany my daughter today." She replies.

"May I ask where will we be going?" I question standing straight.

"The Queen's Gardens, I cannot go there myself but my daughter can, she has an message I want the White Lady to know." She responds.

"You two will leave soon sharpen your pin." She added.

"Yes my Queen." I reply and go to sharpen my weapon.

"Hello Hive Knight!" I turn my head seeing a Hive Guardian.

"Oh hello?" I reply they smile.

"I just wanted to ask you something is that okay?" They ask.

"Oh it's fine, what do you want to know?" I ask.

"What is it like being able to go around without breaking things?" They tilt their head.

"Well it feels normal for me, but I can't do some things you can." I reply not really knowing how to respond.

"Okay!" They say and fly away.

"Hm... I wonder why they asked me..." I thought to myself.

"Must be nothing..." I say while I continue walking.

Soon I was in my room sharpening my weapon.

My weapon was already a little sharpened before hand so I was done quickly.

I make sure I have at least five of my pin spike ball things.

"Still don't have a name for these." I thought observing the small weapons.

"They have been useful in confusing trespassers, they deserve a name." Putting them down I walk to my door.

Knock knock.

"Convenient, coming!" I replied to the knocking.

I open the door to see Y/N.

"Greetings Hive Knight, my mother told me you would be accompanying me?" She questions.

I nod and grab my needle.

"Let's get going to the Queen's Gardens your Highness." I replied.

"Just call me Y/N Hive Knight." I nod.

"Well, let's get going to the Queen's Gardens Y/N." I repeat.

"Okay!" They start walking away.

I follow of course.

Soon we reach the City Of Tears, as well as it's Stagway.

"We should be able to take this straight to the Queen's Gardens." I say while Y/N looked at the scenery.

"This place is so cool looking!" I nod.

"We should get on the stag." I replied.

"Oh yeah..." She walks over to The Stag.

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