Teasing|Hornet x Short Female Ant Reader

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Heya guys I'm bored as heck and doing a bunch of writing sooooo... Ye. This one's a lil shorter then normal, enjoy! Sorry it's shorter then normal tho...

Also last chapter some were having problems with the pictures, tell me if you are to. Sorry if you can't see them...

Here's your key:

Y/N= Your Name
F/F= Favorite Food

Hope you guys enjoy, see u at the end everyone!!!


At the moment I was in Green Path.

My colony is in the Crossroads but I don't really like being around there.

It's too loud for my liking.

Plus I'm more of an outcast.

I'm a runt as they call me, but in reality I'm just short.

The queen sees no use for me...

So I live in Dirt Mouth.

I like Green Path because my kind doesn't like being around here.

I don't know why but it doesn't matter to me.

"Heya shortie!" I turn around and see my girlfriend Hornet.

"Heyyyy don't call me that!" I reply standing up.

"I'm just stating facts!" She responds with laughter.

I let out a small chuckle but immediately regret it.

"So you agree?" She asks tilting her head while leaning on her needle.

"N-No!!! I just laughed because you did!!!" I yell obviously annoyed.

"So... You laughed at yourself being short?" She says smirking.

". . ." I stayed silent.

"You agree your short then!" She giggles.

"Hey!!! No!" I yell again.

"Well I mean I am... But! I don't like being teased about it!" I yell.

"Aw, sorry shortie." I look my girlfriend pissed and pick up my weapon.

"You. Should. Run." I say smile widening with each word.

"U-Uh okay?!" She starts to run.

I chase after her.

After a while she offers to get me F/F if I stop chasing her.

I agree and go back to my normal happy self.

"So, let's get going then?" Hornet asks offering her hand.

"Yeah! Let's get going!" I reply and hold her hand.

She pulls me into an one armed hug and throws her needle flying foreword.

Pulling me along as well.

??? POV

I hid watching the runt, the queen requested me to, thinking the useless ant was a traitor.

Of course my queen was correct.

"Seems like we have a little traitor... That runt knows that they shouldn't be here, much less talking to her daughter." I thought to myself.

"I must inform the queen, an spider and a runt ant... Disgusting." After that last thought I ran away.

"The queen is never wrong." I whisper.

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