Crowns And Bracelets|Oc x Sharpe

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The Oc is named Chakra! Sharpe is an character from Silksong so if this is bad sorry... But I tried my best!

Chakra is an mosquito with short brown hair, with antennae sticking out. Big blue eyes and she's royalty so she has a crown which is golden with a turquoise gem in the middle. Her clothing is a dress which is a very light red almost pink, with short poof sleeves with white lace at the edges, a big red bow is on her chest. A turquoise circle with vine like details around the bottom of her dress, at the hem underneath is white ruffles. She has pale ish skin and four arms she has a good singing voice!

Hope you all enjoy I got a lot to work off of so this will be long! Have fun and enjoy!!!

Chakra's POV

Hi! I'm Chakra and I'm the soon to be Queen! I'm five years old I love making flower crowns and playing with my dad!

At the moment I was in the royal gardens making flower crowns and just enjoying the fresh and sweet breeze.

I was making a blue and red flower crown with a couple white Lily's to!

It looked amazing I'm very proud of myself!

"Chakra! Come inside it's time to eat kiddo!!!" My dad called I smile and get up placing the flower crown on a nearby stone and rushing inside.

When I returned my flower crown was gone...

"Aw where is it?" I question looking around soon I decided to just make a new one.

"It's fine I'll make a pink, red, and light blue one now!" I giggle and get to work.

Then as soon as I finished my mom called for me.

"Dear come here I need you to clean your mess!" What mess oh right my room...

"Coming!!!" I yell and put the flower crown 2.0 down on the same stone.

I run to the door looking back for a second then I head in.

When I was done I came back and it was gone!!!

This is so annoying someone has to be stealing them!


I'll set a trap!

I make another this time it had purple blue and white flowers.

I set it down and hide behind one of the gates.

A figure jumps out of a bush and picks my flower crown up I run out.

I tackled him to the ground.

"AHH WHAT THE-" I cut him off.

"Who are you and why are you stealing my flower crowns!!!" I get off of him.

"They are nicely made and look amazing! I couldn't help myself!" He smiles getting up, I feel my face warm up a little.

"Th-Thank you... What's your name?" I smile and he let's out a small chuckle.

"I'm Sharpe, you?" My smile widened and I respond.

"I'm princess Chakra! Nice to meet you Sharpe!!!" His eyes widen I tilt my head.

"You okay?" I question he looks around and asks me a question.

"Where am I exactly?" I tilt my head and tell him.

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