Heart of Darkness

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"Latte?" My dad lifted his eyebrow at the lady.

"Yes, sir."

The cash register Ka-chinged! as he ordered for her.

I sipped my ice cold coffee. He'll have to teach me how to make coffee one day. I smiled, comforted by that idea.

I swallowed it down gratefully and turned back down to the guitar in between my arms, "Okay, so G major," I ran my fingers along the strings. 

"And then E, D, A," Noah and Astley recited for me and helped me positioned my fingers in the correct order. My fingers were angular and awkwardly pressed hard against the strings.

"My fingers," I complained. They were pink and studded on the tips. I twirled them against the misted plastic cup of my iced coffee, trying to ease the warm pained fingertips.

"Alright, we can try later. You have all the basic chords down," Noah mussed my hair and sipped his coffee and put an arm around Gee-Gee, who was biting into a warm moist brownie.

Most of the group were here. Noah and Gee-Gee, Amber and Ben, Lauren and Jeremy, and Jane and Andy. Fiona and Belle sat together around our circle mateless. I felt bad for them, but there was nothing I could do.

I took another sip of my coffee as the guys talked about the letter. The girls talked among themselves as they listened.

We had another letter from Nicholas. It was written in black ink on a red piece of paper.

I shuddered under Astley's arm as I remembered. Astley pulled me tighter against him and wrapped me in his huge leather jacket. His scent consumed me and I wanted nothing but to run off with him, but I restrained myself.

Ever since I officially accepted him, I've had the temptation to be alone with him. I could tell that he was feeling the same way.

We had walked back to class before the bell rang. Noah had met with us as promised. Gee-Gee went with the other girls to their class.

It was a hard day. Astley showed me my new ugly locker and took me to class. I was forever thankful that we had first block together. The teacher made me introduce myself. I'd only survived because I mostly turned my attention on him.

The rest of the day, the sluts gave me their judging stares as the jocks checked me out. You should've seen Astley's face. I was almost enjoying high school... who would've thought?

Astley had been glaring at the jock sitting next to me in Sociology class. His face was red and pained as the guy leaned in close, "Whatcha doin tonight birdy? I can make you feel like a queen."

His voice had been a whisper but with his werewolf hearing, Astley cuaght every syllable. His fists clenched under the table. I sent him a warning glance. 

The teacher had assigned me to sit next to the jock. Astley sat a row next to us but I was crammed against the wall of the right corner of the class. The guy sat next to me to my right so Astley was cut off from my view. Neither of us had been happy about this, but it was the only seat in the class. 

It was confusing, but not hard to put together. Why would no one sit next to him? ...Manwhore. Player. Heartbreaker...

Astley could've easily kick that guy out of his seat like he was dirt, but I decided against it. I didn't want any attention of a fight. And, there was also the problem of the fact that we are walking on nuetral ground. That also applies to humans too. Both Astley and Nicholas's pack can't use a human to get to the other.

"I-I'm busy," I muttered.

"What's that? Your little chirp is too sweet, I can't hear you. Speak up, will ya?" He scooted closer.

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