Broken Mate

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I sat there on my seat in front of my dad, in his coffee shop, staring at him, and not sure what to say.

"Wylie? What have I done?" my dad whispered the second question out frantically.

"You're a werewolf Wiles. You said you wouldn't freak out!"

"I-I know," I said stupidly, "Dad, I'm a- I'm a... werewolf?" I whispered it out loud. Trying the unfamiliar word. It doesn't make sense. "But how? I can't be that! My 18th birthday's tomorrow... I couldn't go through 18 years without ever changing into that, right?" I looked at him, "I've never changed at all."


I was silent... and then I slowly nodded, accepting that fact, "How..."

"Okay, I think I got it," I smiled weakly.

He stopped pulling, "I'm a werewolf too. So was your mother, but she ran away with you when you were little."

"Dad, I-I need a moment to think."

"Okay," he nodded and hesitantly left me in the cafe.

I slumped back to my seat. Luckily there was no customers now. The cafe has closed without me knowing. The sun had already set and twilight had already leaked out into the world.

"Astley?" I whispered at the window, shivering at the contact of the iced coffee. His face appeared at the window again and he grinned... wolfishy? But an obvious blush crept on him making me smile in return. Me? Making a Mr. Astley Huntsman blush? I wanted to laugh at the thought. Wait, not a thought. He really is blushing.

I frowned, "What for?"

"Umm," I smiled back, not seeming able to help it and the feminine voice inside growled seductively, wanting to fling my arms around him and not let go for eternity, but I held her back.

"Well, we have a new pack member," he stuffed his hands in his pockets roughly,"And we found our future Luna."


I fely my head move left to right, "Is that term all werewolves should know?" A small anger towards my mother flamed inside me for not telling me sooner. My body yearns for a new beginning. 

Astley swallowed, "Yes. In a pack there has to be a leader. This leader is called an Alpha. The alpha has power to lead his pack. His... mate," he looked at me, "-is called the Luna. She helps lead the pack alongside him. But the alpha also has a Beta, who also helps him lead the pack."

Astley shifted his feet, his head was down and his hands were out of his pockets and were fisted into tight balls beside his sides, "I didn't think it would be this hard," he muttered really soft, and somehow I could hear him.

He breathed out, "Wylie, my ma-"

"No sir, I haven't told her," Astley replied randomnly.


Before letting my dad pull me all the way to the door, I looked back at Astley still slightly confused and saying sorry with my eyes. He returned my glance but they were aflamed with a kind of intensity I couldn't quite identify before the door closed, cutting off our shared gaze. The feminine voice-

I gasped and pulled my hand out of my father's warm grip. His head whipped to me warily, "Is everything alright?"

"There's-there's a voice inside my head," I paused, "Oh dad, please believe me. I'm not going crazy. I don't want to go see Dr. Jen anymore."

I let out a breath of relief, "Thank you."

"You do accept that you're a werewolf, don't you?"

I looked at him, "Yes," I said slowly, "Although, it's scary... and weird,. There's a voice in my head telling me that she's my wolf."

I am your wolf. Together, we can accept our mate-

"I know.  I know. I just... it's too much to-to  think about."

He was already driving and nodding, "Wylie, You need to face it. He's your mate. You can't hide from it. Ever." I frowned at him, "What do you mean, dad?"

He sighed. A sound so heartbroken and sad that clenched my heart. What had happened between mom and dad? Were they mates?

"You have the right to know. Everything," he said.

"I can handle it," I said, "C'mon I'm handling everything as steady as I can. Why not tell me everything at once?" I told him gently.

We drove along the road slowly. It was already dark and black shandows loomed in the dark woods loomed in the dark woods as we headed away from the beach and the small town.

"Your mother and I weren't mates. Both of our mates died in a fight. We only got together because we needed comfort and face the heartache that slaps us across the face everyday. That's how we got you." He turned onto a dirt road, "When you were a toddler, we both realized that it wasn't working anymore and Teresa left town with you. She needed a busy place where she'll be occupied at all times to cope with her loss."

"New York," I said softly.

"Yes. That's why you can't leave him and he'll never be able to leave you either. Being a mate to someone is much more than just love and commitement. There's no such words to describe it," he looked across the seat to me, "I'm really glad he's your mate."

"I'm fine now. I have you, a cafe, a pack to belong in and that's all I want," he smiled and hugged me.

I hugged him back, teary-eyed, "I love you dad. Thank you for everything."

He laughed into my hair, "Anytime Wiles. Now, go and find your boy. He thinks you've rejected him. I'm sure he can't wait anymore."

I blushed, "Dad..."

Shaking my head happily, I went to find Astley and ask him to explain all this mate thing to me.

I followed her directions unwillingly and picked up the familiar scent of Astley. It was strange and uncomfortable at first that I could do this, but after a while, I smiled. This could come in handy.

Turning the corridor, I was slammed with their scent and took a few steps back, shocked. Astley was there alright and so was someone else.

"'Don't let her get to you again, man,'" Noah's voice drifted in my head. I shook my head, not believeing my eyes. Astley was embraced with Nicole, their lips locked in a passionate kiss.

I didn't know what to feel. Remorse? Anger? Hurt? Relief that we hadn't done anything yet? Whatever it was, I glared at him letting my wolf out a little and sharing her animalistic glare with mine. He flinched and pushed a moaning Nicole away.

"So much for us being mates," I said icily with as much venom as I could muster. I didn't turn to see what his reaction was as I ran out of the the pack house. Not caring that I was supposed to meet the pack members tonight with him by my side or anything, I ran past my dad's empty car and into the surrounding woods, gladly letting a very furious wolf out.

Astley's P.O.V.:

Of course she wouldn't know if her mother had been that way... if Wylie had stayed with her father instead, I wouldn't have had to wait by her side today and not hold her hand or- I pushed the thought away and ran deeper into the rain-washed forest. Wylie's scent is quickly washing away and had a new aroma to it, which pushed me deeper and had me worried to the very core.

I informed my pack through our mind link. Wylie had begun her first shift.

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