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        Gee-Gee turned green as she smelled the lunch we'd bought, "Oh my gosh, I think I'm gonna throw up." 

             I looked at the dish in front of her. Clams drenched in a yellow liquid on a decorated plate. "Eww," I pushed  it away from us, "Why'd you order that??" 

           "I didn't!" Gee-Gee protested weakly.

          Hey, can you girls get some wet napkins for her?" I glanced at the group of girls. They ran towards the bathroom.        

       "Excuse me!" I raised my hand at a passing waitress, "We didn't order this. It must have been a mistake."I pointed to the plate of clams.

           "Oh, I'm so sorry... or am I?" The voice sounded familiar.

          I was too busy feeling Gee-Gee's sweaty forehead, "Excuse me?"  I looked at the waitress. Dread filled me. 

           "What are you doing here? Where have you been?" Gee-Gee questioned frantically.

            "Oh, you know me. I've been here and there... trying to find a way back to get revenge," her piercing blue eyes fell on me, "You know...you might think that you know him inside and out, but you don't know him like I do."

                  "What do you mean?" I asked.

                 "Don't listen to her, Wylie. She's nothing but trouble."

                  "Oh," the waitress laughed, "I'm not the only one who's middle name is 'trouble.' You might want to ask your mate what he's been doing while he was meeting up with you... what he's been up to before you found him... oh, passionatley and lovingly kissing me in the middle in the hall of his house."

                My heart pounded hard and I could almost feel my wolf growling inside of me. 

                Gee-Gee's green face turned to me, "Wylie? Wylie, ignore her. She's lying, can't you see that?"

                  I couldn't resist to ask. It was overwhelming. I ignored Gee-Gee, "What-what was he doing?"

                 Her face broke into a huge smile, "Cheating on you. You know what 'cheating' is don't you? Oh, and might I add that I know about something that you don't know... something about you and your family." Her eyes lit up, "Oh, and a little about your friend... Serena? No, no it's Alana."

                 "She's lying Wylie!" Gee-Gee yelled weakly.

                 It hit me that what this Barbie girl was trying to tell me was that Astley's been having... sex with her while he was trying to know me... and Alana? My family? How could she know? I gasped for air and glared at her.

                 Gee-Gee couldn't hold it in much longer. She threw up all over the tablecloth. The guards outside rushed in.

                   "Help get her back to the pack. She needs Noah. Now," I commanded.

              "Yes, Luna." They bowed their heads and scooped a half fainted Gee-Gee into one of the were's arms. He ran out of the restaraunt as the other stayed behind. "No, you need to go with them. They might need your help."

                "But Luna, the Alpha's orders-"

               "I know what he said. I'll be fine. I'll be with the other guards in the area. They'll make sure I'm alright. You need to make sure that Gee-Gee gets back safely. Please."

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