Epilogue 2: The Coming of a New Breed

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I could feel the shock and confusion radiate through my pack through the bond. A million questions erupted into my mind but I pushed them out and ignored them.

The only thing I could do was stare at her.

"Hello, Wylie," her voice sounded mature and confident. Her eyes studied me, "I missed you."

She missed me?! Of all things she could've said, she says 'I missed you?' No explanation of how she's alive... how she's HERE of all places. Does she know that I've been through hell because of her? Does she know that I'm a werewolf? A lycanthrope?

Finally I found my voice.

"How- how are you alive? Where have you been?I saw you die with my very own eyes!" My eyes stayed glued to Alana's face. I couldn't move any more.

Alana opened her mouth, "Wylie, I know you might be in shock but I can explain everything. I can explain the entire truth."

I stayed in place, mentioning her to continue.

"I know you're a werewolf." The word sounded strange from her mouth.

"What I'm about to tell you will be a shock... but I knew your entire life. I knew because I'm a werefox. We are sort of cousins of the werewolves. There was a purpose for us meeting. It wasn't just school. I was assigned to you, specifically you because you're a werefox too. You're different though because you're a mix of werewolves and werefoxes. For mixed breeds like you, you can either choose to live with the werewolves and become a werewolf or live with the werefoxes and become a werefox."

I could feel my eyebrows shoot up into my hairline. Everything coming out of her mouth hit me like a ton of bricks.

She continued, "I was supposed to explain everything to you and then take you back to our pack but before I could, I was crushed by the flying concrete of 9/11. I could change my form into a fox in front of you and escape the debris but because I hadn't explained anything to you, I knew I'd lose you. That's why I faked my death and took a lock of your hair. That's how I was able to track you."

She stopped. Her eyes, angular and coated with some sort of thick black eyeliner didn't hide anything. She didn't look anything like the Alana I knew. This new Alana looked alive and fierce. She looked like a warrior.

I tried to absorb the new information she'd hit me with.

"Please, say something," she stayed calm.

"Why-why are you here now? How did you get here? We have patrols."

"Oh, well I know a little about magic. Werefoxes are a gentle breed and we rarely fight, so don't worry about any attacks. We like peace and we prefer to act alone rather than stay in groups like werewolves. For us, we are an ancient breed but because we are rarely together, we are dying out because we are sometimes mistaken as rogues. That's why I was assigned to take you to our small pack years ago. For someone who has both blood types, you were supposed to unite both the werewolf and werefox breed."

My head was still spinning and for the first time in ages, I felt nauseous. The crowd thinned out towards the corners of the pavilion.

Astley closed the distance between us and held my arms, in hopes to comfort me. He could feel my emotions.

"Wiley doesn't have any sort of 'mixed' blood. Both her parents are purebreds," he spoke up.

"It's not true," Alana raised her head, "Her father is a werefox, he decided to live with werewolves that's why he looks like a werewolf."

"In order for us to unite, we must work together. If you want to switch, it'll take a few months for you to completely change but it'll be painful."

I stepped from the cocoon of Astley's arms, finally coming to my senses and anger forming inside, "What makes you think we'll help you? You lie to me all my life, fake your death, disappear, and after all these years, you come back with lies?"

"No, they're not-"

"Yes, they are Alana, if that is even your name. Even if you are telling the truth, we aren't helping you."

Alana's eyes flashed, "We just need your help, and if don't let me explain-"

"You'll do what? You're on my grounds and you're surrounded."

"Look Wylie, I'm only here to ask you to help us unite my clan because if not, then we'll die."

Her heart clenched, "As much as I loved you Alana, you've hurt me and you've lost my trust. I don't even know who you are anymore. I can't put my pack at risk."

Alana didn't move but there was an electric feel in the air.

"Just leave us alone and good luck. That's all I can give you."

Alana shifted her feet, "I'm sorry Wylie. If you can't help me, then I must help my clan."

Her black form rapidly glided towards Gee-Gee, pushed her aside and in a few seconds, had Alex in her arms.

"NO!" Wylie screamed.

Four packs all shifted and surrounds Alana, but in a spark, she was gone. Gone with baby Alex and her pink bow.

Wylie felt her heart break as Astley held her.

Find her. Find my daughter.


Okay, it is finally uploaded! I know it was a short chapter but please let me know what you think!!

If there are any suggestions for me to write another book then I plan to write about what happens to baby Alex. The narration will be about her story after she gets kidnapped by her mother's "best friend."

If you want me to continue, please let me know! I know it might take me some time to write and publish it but I will try the best I can!

So, in conclusion to this last chapter, I say goodbye to "New Life for the Luna" and thank you all readers for your love and support. You are amazing people and I encourage you all to continue reading!!


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