37- A broken heart - (The final chapter)

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This was the hardest thing I have ever written. This was that one memory I never wanted to replay, I cried writing this.

This is the last chapter.

This is

A broken heart.

Please vote *Sniff*


He slowly walked passed me, my blind went blank. Everything was in slow motion; the world sped up when we both went our separate ways. Covering my mouth I let out a squeak as I entered the girl’s toilets and he entered the boys.

I tried to cry but the tears wouldn't flow, lunch was almost over, and I knew that they would arrive soon. His words hurt; I knew that he didn't like me. In fact I knew that he hated me, but it still hurt. It hurt allot. I wasn't even annoyed at what Lola had done, what Lola had caused; I was hurt by his words.

There are many reasons why I don't like her.

What did I ever do to him to make him hate me so much?

Don't cry.


Don't cry.


I couldn't stay in here any longer; I waited a few minutes, so that I could be sure that he was gone, until I left the building. I went to the six-form block, where my next lesson was. People would start to arrive in 5 minutes. I had to keep it in, I just hopped that my mum wasn't in when I got home.

I wanted to scream. I knew that I was being melodramatic, but if you were me, if you felt my pain. You would understand. I sat there outside the classroom, slumped against the wall alone. All I could here was my heart beating fast, my staggered breathing, all I could feel was my face getting hot, my eyes becoming full.

Full of tears.

I couldn't do this anymore.

I couldn't take it.

I couldn't like him.

Then I heard footsteps....... Someone had walked up to the classroom door, down the corridor and towards me.

"Ashleigh?" The voice called.

I already knew who it was


"Hmmm?" I asked looking up, I probably looked a mess. I knew my eyes were red, my mascara must have been falling along with my tears and my face looked even worse. I couldn't even fake a smile. The person joined me, sitting down next to me; I could tell they knew what was wrong.

#1 Falling for the guy that hates meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن