21- Settling in at camp

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Oh great not again......

Another intense and scary moment, when I have to wait for the reaction about my crush. Why do people have to cause so much suspense when the text me? Moving my rucksack out if the way, I sat on the bed.

"OK" I had text-ed back.

I couldn't just say 'Ok' could I? I wasn't sure what else to say. I took a slight rick and decided to ask her if she was surprised or not.

"Was you surprised I asked?" I probably sounded really stupid. Of course she was.

"RIGHT EVERYONE OUT SIDE NOW!!!" I heard one of the corporals call from outside the room.

I saw that mum was typing as I put on my jumper, I had left my phone on the bed, and heard the sound of a what’s-app message, as I pulled the jumper down, I saw that I had a message. I decided to put on my trainers before I checked the phone. When I did check it I didn't have time to respond properly.

"Yes I'm really shocked about it!" She had replied.

"Oh why?" I quickly responded as my door was opened.

I quickly put my phone on silent and put it in my pocket, as one of the Corporals told me to hurry up and get outside. I put my purse in my jeans pocket and left the room. As I shut the door I saw that everyone else was almost gone. Hurrying down the corridor, I then went down stairs.

We all began to form up in three ranks outside the girls building. We had our 1st daily brief in; we were going to be told about the rules of the Army camp, our own rules and regulations, what week will cover, and what were doing tomorrow in detail.

Once we had all gotten into three ranks, we were told to shut up by the sergeant Major of the girls, she was the most senior....

"SQAUD" She commanded.

We braced our selves.


We got to attention.


We all moved in sync to the left and stomped our feet.


We began to march.....


We marched, and marched, and marched.....Until we reached the cinema. I don't know why they call it a cinema, it's not. It's basically just an empty classroom, without the tables or chairs, or posters, or board, or computer...Okay so maybe that's not the best description.......

We all entered the 'cinema' in single file and sat down on the chairs. Some of us were still in school mode and sat separately in gender. Boys on the right, girls on the left. We were told to stop talking by the staff.

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