16- Princesses advice

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ATTENTION- The name of the book will change to 'Falling for the guy who hates me' in a few days.

Hay guys, I know I took long to update, it was the last week of school and my birthday last week. I had a bad writers block, but it's all cleared now.

Nothing happens until chapter 18. These are fillers until a main part since she fell for him in the first place.


Walking down the road with Anna, we approached Princesses house. We had just left her house; we were going to a party. Princess’s 14th birthday party. Anna was already 14; I was yet to turn 14 next terms. Our school brakes up earlier than others, Anna would still be in school when we broke up.

We break up on my birthday, my first birthday without her. She's been to all of my birthdays; she was always on the 'defiantly' invited list. I had always gone to all of hers. Princess has been to almost all of my birthday events, I have been to most of hers.

Switching her present to my left hand I pressed the door bell. We heard light padded footsteps before Princess opened the door. She beamed at us happily before dragging us into the house. Princess knew about Anna moving, but we all agreed not to talk about it today.

As we stepped into the house, Princess slipped those flower necklaces you get in Hawaii on our necks. She was having a Hawaiian themed party for her 14th. Walking into the living room I took my coat off and put it on the coat rack. Anna did the same.

"Here is your gift my dear friend!" I said giving her her present.

"Why thank you very much dear friend." Princess laughed.

"And your gift from me." Anna said handing her hers.

"Why thank you also." Princess laughed.

"Photo's girls!" Princesses mum exclaimed.

All coming together we smiled and posed for the camera, this was probably going to be our last group photo until the summer holidays. With princess in the middle she put her arms around me and Anna. Grinning like idiots we gave the camera our best silly faces.

"PHOTO BOM!" Edward called as he jumped up from behind me and popped his head in between princesses and mine. Princesses mum rolled her eyes and clicked away. This one the first and most probably last time she was letting boys in the house.

I felt Anna tap me and give me a look, she really thought I liked Edward, I felt kind of bad that I was lying to her. It was Saturday; we were having a sleep over tonight. Anna left on Monday. The new term will start on Monday. It's the last term of the year, and then we will be in year 10. GCSE year.

I had gotten Princess A Bake a cake set and shop vouchers, along with a card. Anna had got her earrings, money and a card. Princess opened both presents straight away and pulled us into a hug. After thanking us a million times, Edward pulled me to the side.

"At 6:00 were all going to hide from her in the garden, when she finds out we will all sing happy birthday."

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