Extra #2: The Ministers' Shrouded Past

Start from the beginning

I straighten myself.  "Lita came to you?  You are sure?"

"How could I not be sure, Heliux?"

"Zagan came to me too, in a dream," Drago quickly adds on.  "He said that this plan would be a success, if you two could just agree."

I sigh.  "Well, if both Lita and Zagan command us-"

"Woah," Layra interjects again, stopping me.  "I don't care if both Lita and Zagan command us.  There is no way that I can act in love with you, Heliux.  Because I'm not, and I never will be."

That stings a little, despite my hatred towards her.  "We have to do what's best for-"

"A minute ago, you were so concerned about rules," she pushes back.  "What happened to that?"

I glare at her.  "Anything that Lita or Zagan commands through spirit has the same strength as a command they made in life."

Layra turns away for a moment, then nods ever so slightly.  "Fine," she says through gritted teeth.  "But I'm not happy about this."

"You don't have to be," Drago says pleasantly, dismissing Layra's feelings completely.  The Dark Leader then turns his imperial stare towards me.  "Minister, this is a test.  If you love her, you would defend her, no?"

I wince.  "Yes, Your Darkness," I mutter.  "I-I mean, you should not say such things to Layra.  Sh-She matters." 

"That was the worst defense I've ever heard in my life," Layra smirks.  "That's another flaw to this plan," she adds to the Leaders.  "Heliux can't lie for anything."  She turns back to me, gripping my chin with two of her fingers.  "It seems like I have got some things to teach you, you fine specimen."

I stare blankly at her.  What on earth...?

She sighs.  "It's called flirting, Heliux.  I swear to Zagan..." her speech becomes incomprehensible muttering.  "Let's just go," she says, pushing me out.  


I sit at the table in my room, frowning to myself.

The rest of the week has been filled with a tense sense of awkwardness that has not ever existed before.

Since we were seen together for more than a few seconds, some fairies questioned what we were doing.  We were forced to lie to them, and now the word has spread.  Everyone is talking.

My frown deepens.  I do not like it when people talk, it makes me lose my feelings of dominance, making me seem weak.  I put my head in my hands, hoping for this terrible act to be put to an end soon.  Soon all of these fairies will join the Spirit Realm and we do not have to pull off this grand charade any longer.

I hear a knock at the door, and I tell the fairy to come in.  Surprisingly, I see Layra standing there.

"Hey," she says, approaching me.  She holds out a plate.  "You looked sick earlier today, so I brought you something."

I gape at her.  "I am not sick, you are mistaken."

She pushes the plate towards me.  "Well you looked down.  And food always cheers me up, so..." she makes another attempt to push the plate in my direction.

I continue to avoid it.  "You poisoned this, did you not?"

She sits down on another chair directly across from me, looking at me crossly.  "Why would you think that?  I'm just trying to be nice."

"Oh please," I scoff.

"I'm serious," she insists.  "Both Drago and Pharah want us to pretend to love each other.  So we should at least act the part."

The Fairy's Cure: FD 1 (Amourshipping) ||Complete||Where stories live. Discover now